GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

French Army Announces Adoption of FN SCAR-H PR & Glock 17 Pistol

The French Ministère des Armées has announced the €100 million procurement of 2,620 FNH SCAR-H PR, known within the French Army as the Fusils de précision semi-automatiques (FPSA).

The FPSA system is the product of OIP Sensor Systems and Telefunken-Racoms, associated with weapon producer FN Herstal and the company MEN. In addition to the rifle and associated ammunition (including armor piercing), they will be fielded within suppressors Asia well as I2 and IR optics.

Deliveries begin in 2020 and replace the FR-F2 in service since the 1980s. The new rifle is 7.62mm NATO and intended to engage targets out to 800m and is being fielded as part of an ongoing initiative aimed at increasing the capability of the individual Soldier.

The rifle is intended for use by Snipers who are considered the “Eyes of the section chief”, conducting long-range observation, intelligence and target neutralization missions.

Additionally, they have announced that they have awarded a contract worth € 44 million for a new semi auto pistol to Glock. It is said to be a G17 variant but the Army’s announcement contained no details as to which one. Glock is providing the pistols with some form of “night-time” sights. Sellier and Bellot is providing ammunition and UTM training kits.

By 2022, the contract of 74,596 will be fulfilled. They replace the PA MAC 50 (manufactured by Châtellerault) which date from the 1950s, and the PAMAS G1 (from the arms factories of Saint-Etienne). According to the Ministry of the Army, this is a joint service buy with 80% of weapons for the army, 10% for the air force and 8% for the navy.

These fieldings join the new H&K 416F carbine, new FR uniforms, helmets and body armor.

-Eric Graves sends

4 Responses to “French Army Announces Adoption of FN SCAR-H PR & Glock 17 Pistol”

  1. Sommerbiwak says:

    La Glôcquè dix-sept génération cinq?


  2. Ed says:

    comme lu d’en haut

    “ils ont annoncé qu’ils avaient attribué un contrat de 44 millions d’euros pour un nouveau pistolet semi-automatique à Glock. Il s’agirait d’une variante du G17 mais il n’y a pas de détails quant à laquelle.”

  3. Jeb says:

    The French went full Instagram! These won’t be carried outside of photo shoots.

  4. Richard Schagen says:

    Curious as to why not the HK417, as the have adopted the HK416