GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

FirstSpear Friday Focus: Cold Climate Glove and Tactical Hand Warmer

With Christmas right around the corner, don’t wait to order these stocking stuffers. This is not your average winter glove. The Cold Climate glove from FS is built with a keratin leather palm patch, Primaloft Gold insulation, and a waterproof breathable insert.

Incredibly warm with excellent dexterity allowing basic trigger control. Additionally, we removed the insulation from the upper half of the trigger finger to increase basic trigger manipulation and make it easier when using a touchscreen. In fact, touchscreen sensitive index fingers and adjustable wrist cuffs come standard on this premium cold climate glove from FirstSpear.

Overall the glove is incredibly light weight compared to how warm it will keep your hands. Impressive dexterity including reduced insulation in the trigger finger to increase basic fire control manipulation. Touch screen capable index fingers and adjustable cuff with a perfect amount of stretch. Available and shipping now in fatigue green and black.

Additionally, if you need another cold-weather item that’s more mission-specific, look no further than the FS Tactical Hand-Warmer. The Tactical Hand-Warmer is a perfect way to keep your fingers warm on a cold day. The fleece-lined interior is soft and retains heat exceedingly well.

The Tactical Hand-Warmer can be attached directly to your platform or worn on its own. When not needed, the included attachment strap stows inside. An attached storage bag allows the system to be packed up small and tight. The Tactical Hand-Warmer has additional pockets to hold “air activated hand warmers” or other essential items. Cuffs allow for changes in length.

To check out more gear from FirstSpear, check out episode four of FirstSpear TV’s X-RAY Team.

For more information about cold weather gear, check out:



19 Responses to “FirstSpear Friday Focus: Cold Climate Glove and Tactical Hand Warmer”

  1. CAPT Jake says:

    SSD, Is this your independent review of the gloves or a FS sponsored review? Thanks

    • SSD says:

      It’s pretty obvious that this is a guest post by an advertiser. We come out and tell you it is. What’s more, FirstSpear has been providing guest posts for years as FirstSpear Friday. How long ago did you start reading SSD?

      • Mike says:

        Everyone doesn’t know about First Spear sponsoring their Friday features on SSD. But without saying upfront this isn’t a personal review, which wasn’t done in this case, someone will always assume it’s coming directly from you. No need to get so easily offended by a simple question.

        • Mike Dick Itches Because You’re So Stupid says:

          I hope Eric approves this so I can point out what a dumbass you are.

          • Mike says:

            Does SSD pay you for your comments, or are you suckin’ that dick for free? How about disclosing your relationship?

            • Mike’s Mom Eats My Dick says:

              I’m just a guy who waits around for stupid people to reveal themselves. You’re one stupid motherfucker.

              • SSD says:

                You two want to remain guests? This isn’t Facebook.

                • Mike says:

                  It’s your blog. If you allow this type of harassment, for lack of a better word, than that’s on you and your rep. I simply replied to a troll that you allowed to post and insult others.

                  • SSD says:

                    You’re a real piece of work. You didn’t need to answer, but you did. And in doing so, validated the decision I just made.

        • MThomas says:

          It’s called First Spear Friday. When SSD first opened up comments, it used to be quite a few people with experience would expound on the post. You could learn a lot about a subject. Seems like now everyone just complains about the post, each other. It’s not even civil anymore.

      • Macon says:

        Actually, it isn’t obvious. The only way to know is to click on the story, and then scroll to the bottom and in the metadata info it notes as being categorized under Advertiser. Which doesn’t exclude advertisers from being reviewed. The only reason there is to click is if one wants to comment. For a full year I was under the impression that Eagle released a product every week.

        • Makin Me Think You’re Stupid says:

          At least you are 100% at being clueless. You can’t tell the difference between Eagle and FirstSpear and you’re lying about not seeing the categories. They are right there. They’ve always been there since I started reading this site years ago.

      • CAPT Jake says:

        Over 10 years.
        No, it wasn’t obvious or I wouldn’t have asked.
        I enjoy the site, don’t post a lot on questions or comments particularly b/c my background is NSW and IMO most, not all & I’m not being critical, of the content leans towards Land Forces.
        Yes, I am aware FS provides posts on Fridays, Matbock on Mondays & Scubapro on Sundays.
        Please continue your great work.

  2. Iggy says:

    Good looking gloves, made for serious ropework. But leave them sitting on the snow like that and you’ don’t deserve them. I really wish the winter and mountain warfare promo stuff had the same degree of best practice some other promo material does. Looks just as cool done right.

  3. James says:

    Really wish someone would make a drybag type handwarmer- fold and roll on both ends stuff your puffy inside…..

  4. Stickman says:

    I’ll give my 2 cents even though they are unasked for. This site isn’t a charity, it takes money to host and operate, and the sponsor list on the side should aid in that aspect of business.

    If someone is unfamiliar with the idea that guest posting/ industry posting / sponsor posting is par for the course, now they know. People might also want to remember the same holds true for much of the internet. This site is a business.

    Eric, it might be time for a refresher of the SSD mission for readers. Take that as a good thing, it means you’ve got new people reading here!

    PS- I want a pair of those gloves!!!

  5. whskee says:

    I got my pair ahead of any winter weather madness. They are WORTH it so far. Please remember, they do offer a mil discount so you can save a few bucks. I have a hard time finding a warm enough glove that isn’t too bulky to run guns with. This one is pretty good. Fine for small arms, and the palm feels great racking a M2HB unlike some of my older ones that let the material slide some (tear prone). Haven’t gotten splashed/soaked on the boat yet with them to see if the waterproof claim holds up, but if it does, these will be my new work winter glove of choice.