
For The Ladies – Crye Precision Adding Female Sizing to G4 Line

During SHOT Show 2020, Crye Precision told me they would be adding female sizing to their G4 line. I didn’t expect it to be before the end of the year.

With females the fastest growing demographic in the military, LE and first responder communities, the move makes sense.

8 Responses to “For The Ladies – Crye Precision Adding Female Sizing to G4 Line”

  1. Amer-Rican says:

    I think it’s important to point out her nice tush.

    • Ed says:

      Yeah, because most “female” combat troops have a feminine shape! Fuck this PC military!!!!

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Male cut pants just in a smaller size neither do fit well on women’s legs nor are they flattering, because of the ill fit. And well, Crye (or anyone else for that matter) won’t use an ugly woman to model their new clothes, now would they? 😉

  2. Sarah O'neill says:

    My sister in the USAF Security Forces just received the Aspetto Mach V. It’s nice to know us women are finally getting what we deserve, gender specific comfortable gear!

  3. I appreciate the size options as a small dude as well, but hopefully they don’t make the fly zippers any shorter as they be already too short on the dude version Crye pants

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Or open the zippers left side.

    • mike says:

      short zippers, or rather a short crotch to hip measurement, are a problem I have with a lot of pants in and out of this field. Having additional options certainly helps, but for most people the rub will still be finding a place to try them on. Not many places stock Crye uniforms and facing a six month lead time to realize you should have gone up or down a size is a swift kick in the gut. If only they would release a size chart with all of the relevant measurements shown ?