FirstSpear TV

Strike Industries SIAR

The Strike Industries SIAR is a monolithic modular short-stroke piston gas system AR-15 upper receiver assembly. The SIAR uses any AR-15 compatible barrel with 0.75-inch gas block journal that has a mid-length gas system and the barrel is easily swapped out by loosening two (2) hex screws. Keeping the theme of trying to use as many common Mil-Spec AR-15 parts as possible, the SIAR BCG can use any AR bolt head to easily change calibers. A 4-position regulated gas block propels a single gas piston. Since the operating system is contained within the upper, you can use any lower receiver with or without a receiver extension giving you any option to pair the SIAR upper assembly with. The side charging handle is swappable, non-reciprocating and placed forward out of the way. Handguard has five (5) M-LOK slots on either side and six (6) on the bottom. Various colors. SIAR will need a barrel, BCG, firing, muzzle device and AR lower receiver to complete.

*subject to change on production model.

14 Responses to “Strike Industries SIAR”

  1. mudd says:

    What kind of tools advertise here and have nothing on their website?

  2. mudd says:

    reading is fundamental
    advertise: To make a public announcement of, especially to proclaim the qualities or advantages of (a product or business) so as to increase sales

    • Roger says:

      Yes, reading comprehension is important. “To increase sales…” being key to the definition you posted. Obviously this is a news/journal web post, not an advertisement dur dur.

    • SSD says:

      Reading comprehension is absolutely important, but so is context. “Advertise” also means that there is an exchange, as in company X pays platform Y to advertise a product or service. No exchange happened here, at least with us. What’s more, they didn’t send us the information. This is part of SHOT Show on Demand.

      By your definition, every post about products is an advertisement and that isn’t true. We aren’t paid to write articles about products.

      There is one exception to this, and that is Sales notices which are accessed via the “DEALS” button at the upper left of the screen. Companies pay to announce sales on our platform. Since it’s their sale, they write the copy. We used to do it for free but we were getting sales announcements on a weekly basis from companies that had zero other interaction from us. We instituted a fee and that dropped the announcements significantly. It seems that people were happy to make money if it didn’t cost them anything, but didn’t want to have to pay for the opportunity. The reduction definitely made our life easier.

      Finally, see all of those banners below the masthead and on the right side of the screen? That’s advertising, like in a newspaper. They are also seen all over the internet on other websites so this isn’t a new or mysterious concept. Those over there, are advertising banners and we tag articles about those companies with an “advertiser” tag.

      I hope this clears up your confusion on how advertising works on SSD.

  3. Sommerbiwak says:

    after Brownell’s BRN-180 now Strike Ind makes a metoo? Is the market for an alternative upper reciever for AR-15 type lower receivers even that big a market?

    • Rob says:

      This market has existed for some time depending on where you draw the line for alternative. You could make the argument that it began in the 1960s. The first modern example along the lines of what is seen above that I remember is the Faxon ARAK. Sig’s success with the MCX has proven that it is something that can sell very well.

    • SSD says:

      The Brownells model is an AR180 clone. This is something different. More options on the market is better.

  4. Jeb says:

    So this is what happens when AR15’s breed with rifles built by Bubba’s Gun Works? I’ll pass. Things like this is why abortion is not a bad word.

  5. Mars says:

    There’s a YouTube video from ShotShow 2017 demoing this. What’s the hold-up? Waiting for the final nail in Bushmaster and the ACR coffin?