RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

The In And Out Jacket from MAN x Mystery Ranch

From the front it looks like a mild mannered techie outdoor jacket, but when you flip it around, the In and Out Jacket reveals its secret alter ego.

Designed by Junya Watanabe for his MAN clothing line, the jacket integrates a Mystery Ranch In And Out daypack which is the carryon pack I use while traveling.

Get yours here. It’s a steal at $2010.

13 Responses to “The In And Out Jacket from MAN x Mystery Ranch”

  1. Patrulje says:

    We have very different standards if a $2000 jacket is a steal.

  2. Gyrfalcon says:

    Great – whenever I need to reach my Pack, I just have to take of my jacket in the middle of the street – in the cold – in the rain. For just 2010 USD thats a deal…

  3. Flight-ER-Doc says:

    O, FFS…April 1 is still a few weeks away

  4. AH says:

    “What’s the most inconvenient way we could design getting something out of your backpack while convincing people it’s fashionable and overcharging them by $1800?”…

    …”Hold my fashion degree and watch this”

  5. Iggy says:

    At least it’s got ice axe loops.

  6. Lasse says:

    Funny how people don’t know that the same concept have been used by their favorite top shelf operators back in the days..

  7. 13Charlie says:

    I’ll take two at that price!!

  8. Strike-Hold says:

    Once again proving the old adage; “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

  9. Daggertx says:

    MR is big in Japan.