
US Army Authorizes Optional Wear of Insignia and Accoutrements on the Class B Army Green Service Uniform and Tropical Dress Variations

This week, the Army released ALARACT 029/2021, allowing the optional wear of insignia and accoutrements on the Class B Army Green Service Uniform.

The Tropical Dress Variation is primarily intended for Soldiers in hot climates and serves as the alternative for the Class A uniform. Local commanders will determine when their Soldiers wear this uniform variant.

Refer to ALARACT 029/2021for specific guidance and utilize DA PAM 670-1 (26 JAN 2021) for specifics on authorized items and composition of the uniform.

Read the slides here.

12 Responses to “US Army Authorizes Optional Wear of Insignia and Accoutrements on the Class B Army Green Service Uniform and Tropical Dress Variations”

  1. Adam says:

    If they make the sleeves on the men’s shirt any longer, it’ll have buttoned cuffs! Geez…?

    • G3SM says:

      Holy crap! That’s ridiculous. Odd that the female cut is appropriate while the male’s is almost a baseball 3/4 length.

  2. Gene says:

    That color combination is a bit off. A chocolate colored shirt with epaulets would look much nicer. And what’s with the darker colored web belt? The uniform could use a bit of tweaking. The Army , for this particular uniform, should have gone with the Vietnam era khakis.

    • Pink&Green says:

      I don’t understand why the Army insists on screwing up the uniforms they are copying from WWII. I think it ruins a great idea. Just keep it simple – copy the color and cut of the original

      • Lcon says:

        That would be difficult as the dyeing was more haphazard and materials (winter weight Wool vs modern summer weight probably synthetics) differed. In fact the whole “Pinks” and “Greens” was the result of such as the uniform color is all just shades of Olive Drab that emerge by that. The khaki being those that took the dye lighter well the greens took to it harder.

      • Lcon says:

        Kinda difficult. The original Pinks and greens was a winter weight uniform. These modern ones are year round. Additionally the fabric reacts differently to different dyes. Modern materials are probably synthetic where WW2 would have been wool, silk and cotton. Farther the whole dying system was more inconsistent than today. So even if you color matched to an original it would only be to that sample which has been sitting on air and light for 80 years. That sample was part of a batch that would have varied considerably depending on where it was in the dyeing, who dyed it. As to the cut those uniforms were all tailor made. Meaning that you have different cuts based off the basic pattern because each tailor and owner wanted this or that. Farther you have two dramatic differences in fashion between 1945 and 2021.

  3. AbnMedOps says:

    No name plate?

  4. ER says:

    With all the equality the military is pushing. Why can she have her shirt untucked and he can’t ? Asking for a friend

  5. 32sbct says:

    The Male uniform looks awful. As stated earlier who designed the sleeves? How hard is it to get a short sleeved shirt right? Does anyone think this looks any better than the old Army Green Uniform? The colors look way off. The only thing I like is wearing the top six awards. That should be considered for every uniform.

  6. Steve V says:

    A tie with a short-sleeved shirt just screams used car salesman or 1970s office wanker.

  7. Ton E says:

    Still a waste of money…..