
10th SFG(A)’s Winter Warfare Detachment Introduces New Winter Training

FORT CARSON, Colo. — The Winter Warfare Detachment (WWD) at 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) introduced a new training course this year to expand on the unit’s winter operational capabilities. The development of this knowledge and skillset is essential to ensuring success in arctic missions.

The Winter Warfare Course (WWC) is designed to train, evaluate and certify Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alphas (SFOD-As) within 10th SFG(A). The training covered backcountry mobility, avalanche awareness and preparedness, winter survival, snowmobile operations and advanced riding techniques, and special operations small unit tactics on skis and snowmobiles.

“The course itself has been a natural progression for moving 10th Group forward. I believe that it is paramount that we continue to develop, expand and modernize our capabilities to operate in austere winter environments. Conducting ever-improving training in this spectrum will ensure that 10th SFG(A) remains the tip of the spear for winter warfighting capability,” said the WWD’s NCO in charge (NCOIC). “The Winter Warfare Detachment, our initial mission was to expand the expertise, knowledge and capability of cold weather training and operations within 10th Group.”

To facilitate the end state, the WWD initiated the Winter Mobility Instructor Course, now known as the Cold Weather Instructor Course (CWTIC). This course is designed to validate instructors who become CWT trainers, planners and facilitators at the battalion level.

“The CWTIC is designed to develop professional instructors for units using a standardized certifying course,” said the NCOIC. “They come to our course to be validated as cold weather training instructors and return to their units as capable instructors and leaders for their units’ CWT events.”

To increase 10th SFG(A)’s capabilities and further the arctic mission, the detachment implemented the WWC. Unlike the instructor course, the WWC is designed as a validation and training exercise for SFOD-As deploying to high north and arctic regions. It ensures that teams are operationally capable in these extreme cold weather environments, and are prepared for joint training exercises with their allies in the high north region.

The success of the WWC emphasizes the development, expansion and modernization of 10th SFG(A)’s capabilities to operate in austere winter environments. In the harsh climate of the high north and arctic regions, the ability to shoot, move and communicate becomes even more challenging. The WWC prepares Green Berets and Paratroopers for these operations, and focuses on the critical tasks needed in order to succeed.

“We need to maintain our expertise and our capability, and expand to ensure we are the best in operating in cold weather and high north regions, because that is our operational area. Our success depends on us having this expertise.”

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) Public Affairs Office

Editor’s note: The full names and identifications of those serving in the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) are withheld due to safety and security of the Soldiers and their Families.

5 Responses to “10th SFG(A)’s Winter Warfare Detachment Introduces New Winter Training”

  1. Dagn says:

    I’m thinking this must be over two winters or 3+months long at least to have a reasonable hope of developing these skills to the instructor level.

  2. James says:

    Anyone recognize the parka in the second pic?