Tactical Tailor

Warrior West 21 – Hendricks Motorsports Advanced Seat Liner

What you see here are seat cushion sections developed by Hendrick Motorsports for NASCAR to increase survivability during crashes. This configuration called the Hendrick Advanced Seat Liner was developed for PM-Apache and is currently under evaluation for use by Apache helicopter crews.

The Apache was initially designed during the Cold War for two hour missions but today the missions are eight hours long. The seat is more comfortable with the padding contoured to support the body. It also protects the spine and pelvis from injury.

Testers at Apache manufacturer Boeing have referred to the seat as the “Cadillac of Seats” and one Apache test pilot with over 30 years experience called it the “Mack Daddy.” Although you won’t find it on the Apache version, the seat can also be air conditioned. The seat also features a self-extinguishing foam with leatherette covers. This is the same material used in seats on Air Force One.

Hendrick Motorsports products are available for unit and agency orders from ADS, Inc.

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