SIG SAUER - Never Settle

S.O.Tech Road Warrior Bag in Brushstroke

A travel bag designed by guys who hit the road hard, fast and often – SOF operators. These are guys who are always waiting for the balloon to go up and the call to move out. The guys who live in hotel rooms and stay prepped and organized to lift and shift to the next location on a moments notice.

The Road Warrior Bag has pockets for your power cords, first aid and survival kits, international licenses, passports and travel documents, and a main compartment organizing your hygiene items and meds. This bag stays stocked and loaded in your locker. When the call comes, you throw this in a 3 day pack with a weeks worth of clothes and you are out the door. When you are laid out in your hotel and the team needs to shift to the next town, a quick visual inspection of this pack will remind you what is missing before you blow out. Power cords, batteries, can openers, flashlights, SCUBA license, bug juice, pill packs – everything has its place. And when you get back to home base, restock before you replace because you never know when that phone is going to ring. 

The Road Warrior Bag also makes a great tool, electronics or medical bag.

Drops Friday 1/14 12pm PST. While supplies last, no backorders. $99. Use the following code at checkout for free shipping: asseenonssd

“Built to survive the world’s worst!”

4 Responses to “S.O.Tech Road Warrior Bag in Brushstroke”

  1. Uncle Phred says:

    I guess that using the adjective ‘Rhodesian’ is a bit too risky these days and avoidance of it is the safest path.

    • Collector says:

      So you think that the Rhodesians are the only ones who have used brushstroke patterns? Phillistine.

      • Uncle Phred says:

        No sir, I’m well aware of brushstroke patterns used around the world by a number of forces. It’s just that this nice bag sure looks quite like the same pattern on souvenirs my buddy brought back from the ‘unpleasantness’ of the Bush War.

        This all gets a little unintentionally more interesting sociologically. When I search brushstroke camo, most all of the first page hits note ‘Rhodesian.’ However, one does not find the adjective in question in the Camopedia article:

        So now I wonder about the editorial decisions made at Camopedia.

  2. JK says:

    I have this bag in MC black and find it extremely useful for when im deployed and living out of a backpack or a smaller piece of luggage. its the perfect size for bathroom and small items found useful in hotels and vehicles.