AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

Mystery Ranch x Dior Collaboration

During the recent launch of Dior’s summer 2023 men’s collection, photos of a collaboration with Mystery Ranch, something that MR co-founder Dana Gleason refers to as “Special Projects.” In fact, when I spoke with Dana during last month’s Outdoor Retailer Summer Market he told me he was heading to Paris for a product launch.

This photo from Hypebeast shows the alligator material on some of the designs.

4 Responses to “Mystery Ranch x Dior Collaboration”

  1. cat blaster says:


  2. Isaac Botkin says:

    I hope that’s a crocodile-skin holster for a Colt Python.

  3. Mehmaster says:

    SWAG- the 6th principle of patrolling

  4. Stephen Vogel says:

    What the hell are those poor kids wearing, i might be getting old but fuck if ever dress like that!!! The one guy looks like he feels my pain even… but seriously what the hell are those garments?! i don’t see people wearing that garbage in my daily, and thank the lord i don’t! i don’t say much but hot damn this had me shaking my head hard…