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Thomas Homberg Named CEO of Mehler Vario System Group; Also Managing Director of Mehler Vario System GmbH

FULDA, GERMANY (15 Aug. 2022)—Thomas Homberg has been chosen to serve as CEO of Mehler Vario System Group, Europe‘s market leader for ballistic protection and carrying systems, platform and vehicle protection, and tactical equipment and clothing.

His appointment to the top leadership position took effect at the beginning of August. Homberg also assumed the title of Managing Director of Mehler Vario System GmbH, which he now jointly heads with Dr. Mario Amschlinger.

Homberg brings to his new roles extensive military, defence, and security industry experience. A former German Armed Forces paratroop commander who also received German and French General Staff Service training, Homberg has held board and managing director positions in the European MBDA Group and served as Head of Group Strategy for the Airbus Group.

“I am very much looking forward to my new duties,” Homberg said. “Mehler Vario System Group is a leader in the market and has highly competent teams with decades of experience. Developing the best equipment for those who daily guarantee our safety is an enormous incentive and motivation for me.”

Homberg took the reins after now-former CEO and Managing Director Siegfried Will departed to begin his planned retirement. Will had been with the company 37 years.

Mehler Vario System (MVS) is a globally active group headquartered in Fulda, Germany. Together, the companies of the Group manufacture protection and carrying systems for police, military, and special forces. MVS also is a partner with the German Armed Forces for procurement of the new Modular Ballistic Protection and Carrying Equipment Soldier (MOBAST).

For more than 40 years, the group’s companies have produced protective waistcoats, shields, equipment bags, helmets, and impact and body protection equipment. Additionally, they make an extensive range of high-end protection, carrying, and clothing products that include hard- and soft-ballistic elements as well as bullet, stab, and impact protection.

The Mehler Vario System Group is active in over 40 countries. It is widely recognized as a reliable and innovative partner of the military as well as of national and international security authorities.

For more information about Mehler Vario System, visit:  www.m-v-s.com  

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