RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

“Force Plate Vertical Jump Scans are Not a Valid Proxy for Physical Fitness in US Special Warfare Trainees”

Members of the Air Force Special Warfare Human Performance Support Group’s Research Flight recently published an article in a peer-reviewed journal, “Force plate vertical jump scans are not a valid proxy for physical fitness in US special warfare trainees.”

The Research Flight is the only embedded research team in the DoD, tasked with supporting the Special Warfare Training Wing with data driven decisions to identify trends, maximize the effectiveness and reduce injuries within the pipeline.

Read the full article here.

2 Responses to ““Force Plate Vertical Jump Scans are Not a Valid Proxy for Physical Fitness in US Special Warfare Trainees””

  1. James says:

    It’s important to prove this to keep claims in check, but this should be fairly obvious with a basic understanding of A&P- SO(Slow Twitch), and FO/FG( Fast Twitch type1 and type 2) muscle fibers. There ‘s a balance there. I’m sure there’s some research out there, but studies on that balance( assuming an inverse correlation) between those muscle types could really shape training and testing. Short of that ,actually doing and scoring what you’re training for isn’t a bad thing.

  2. James says:

    Should read IIa and IIb rather than 1 and 2