TacJobs – Ranger Mechanic

Do you want to be a Ranger Mechanic?

There are no second-class support personnel in the Rangers. Every Ranger goes through Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) and is given the same training, equipment, and standards. Every Ranger wears the tan beret and scroll which creates a high level of pride and esprit de corps whether you’re an infantryman, medic, or mechanic.

Ranger Wheeled Vehicle Mechanics (MOS 91B) shoot, jump, and PT with the line infantry in addition to getting lots of quality, hands-on time turning wrenches on vehicles.

In addition to leadership schools like Ranger School, Pathfinder, and Jumpmaster, Ranger mechanics have access to cutting-edge training to maintain the most advanced vehicles in the Army.

There’s no better place in the Army to be a mechanic. Whether you are looking at joining the Army or have already enlisted, visit 75thrangerregiment.org for info on how to join.

One Response to “TacJobs – Ranger Mechanic”

  1. Wake27 says:

    Not that 75th needs it, but full vouch after having some former Regiment 91Bs and other support MOS work for and alongside of me as a CO CDR.