GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

The Flaming Rock from S.O.Tech

The idea behind the new S.O.Tech Flaming Rock came from the 25th Infantry Division based at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. After hearing that the troops would cut shreds of VS17 panels and tape rocks around them to throw to signals to lift and shift fire, we decided to come up with something better.

The Flaming Rock is real simple, it is made of MultiCam pack cloth with an orange pack cloth tail.

We supply a sewn-on strip of one wrap that ties around the pouch to hold the rock in place. The Flaming Rock is able to attach to the MOLLE of the soldier’s vest, making it very accessible for fast access.


2 Responses to “The Flaming Rock from S.O.Tech”

  1. Cool idea/solution. But so badly wish to say; Rock is an additioanl $5.00. Just my comentary on the tactical industry these days. (let the hate-replies begine!). 🙂

  2. mike says:

    Been common since at least the early 90’s, usually just a strip of vs17 with 550 on the end. Also good for hanging out windows while clear buildings to show the support position which room you’re in and tying to a stick for marking you’re position while clearing trench lines. Good on them for making it a actual product.