FirstSpear TV

Cobalt Kinetics Equipped Lubbock P.D. S.W.A.T. Wins TTPOA 2023 SWAT Competition

October 20th, 2023: Cobalt Kinetics, a manufacturer of exquisitely designed (and expertly built) American Masterpiece firearms and accessories; is proud to announce the First-place win of the “Cobalt equipped” Lubbock, TX Police Departments’ S.W.A.T. team at the TTPOA 2023 SWAT Competition (Oct 5th- 8th 2023).  The Lubbock, TX team rose to first place and claimed their victory at the end of the grueling competition all whilst running their (departmentally purchased) 12.5” CK-Pro rifles. The team has also adopted the 14.5” CK-SPR Elites for the Sniper Team/ Section.


“We could not have been more excited to learn that the 1st place rifle sponsor for the competition was Cobalt, especially since our SWAT team just went to all Cobalt Rifles. It just felt like it was meant to be.”

– Jasper Koenig (Lubbock, TX P.D. SWAT)

The Lubbock SWAT team is one of many satisfied adopters of the Cobalt Kinetics platform/s and have quickly noticed how the implementation of (properly designed) equipment allows them to commit to their daily tasks with ease. The Cobalt LE/ GOV division also provides Lifetime Warranty on the platforms, Lifetime Warranty on duty barrels, and Officer Involved Shooting insurance (duty platform swap until it is released from evidence) on all department contract platforms. If you (and your department) would like to book an in-house demo with our LE sales team, please make sure to reach out to us ( Your team will quickly be able to see the first-hand benefits of swapping your department over to the “Cobalt Advantage”.

For more information on Cobalt Kinetics and their products go to

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