SureFire XC3

New Elite Exclusive Micro T-2/GBRS Group Lerna Mount Kit from Aimpoint

The GBRS Lerna is the first stand-alone optic mount designed for end-users that offers a 2.91” Optic Centerline for faster target ID, regardless of gear/equipment obstructions, ie. EarPro/comms headsets, gas masks/CBRN, and night vision use. This mount offers a more athletic posture and “heads up” attitude that allows for faster processing speed and increased situational awareness.

Check it out at

9 Responses to “New Elite Exclusive Micro T-2/GBRS Group Lerna Mount Kit from Aimpoint”

  1. Ivan says:

    This on top of a KICK 0/1 would be perfect…

    Just kidding. But out of curiosity, what kind of zero would you have with this mount? What distance?

    • Jack Griffin says:

      The holds would be what messes me up. Straight on at 50 but headshot at 7 requires holding the dot on the tip of their imaginary Pickelhaube?

  2. Chuck says:

    It’s all becoming clear. Aim center mass and hit them in the youknowwhat. j/k lol

  3. RTBA8 says:

    LOL, these things just keep getting taller. The Beowulf X mount was ahead of its time.

  4. Ray Forest says:

    These guys laugh all the way to the bank. I have to admire the way the continue to fleece the pockets of the uneducated. How many guys are gonna but DJ jeans now that the So Fine jeans are worn out. I love how the optic is raised in the photo and the end user needs a cheek riser to match. It’s like if you lowered the riser the check riser could go away and money could go back into your pocket. I recently tried to help a local agency that was looking at spending thousands to get that RDS/MFAL riser. Now they didn’t have rail estate issues, plenty of room there and they didn’t have wandering zero issues with their rails so I’m not sure why they wanted to spend $500 other than DJ and Cole convinced them to. Again kudos to those guys for making folks feel inadequate with some simple slick videos. I explained the why if the design and how they didn’t have those issues. I then ran through zero and some simple drills that highlighted the now complicated geometry of holds that were not present before but became apparent with the mount. They all seemed in agreement that this further complicated their shooting. The next time I saw them, they had bought a few more and DJ and Cole made a video about how many matching Rolexes and Pannies they had bought. Their corporate motto should be A fool and his money are soon parted but in Latin so people unknowingly go get it tattooed on their arms to be more like GBRS.

    • PB says:

      To be fair, the other factor for the height is where the stock will go in the shoulder. So, I could see a cheek riser being necessary with a super high mount, when choosing the high mount to get the stock lower in the shoulder.

      That said, this is ridiculous. Look at the guy’s eyes. He’s not even level with the optic. his eyes are inline at the lower edge of the optic. For room distance CNS headshots you can’t even aim at the top of the forehead anymore. You’d need to aim at an imaginary floating point above the threat’s head.

      These guys no longer just have one silly product and a temporary meme company status. They’ve now jumped the shark and solidified permanent meme company status.

    • Sasquatch says:

      Go to the GBRS Instagram page, and read the comments under any post for their clothing line. You’ll see grown men losing their shit over a flannel shirt. It’s insane…and more than a little embarrassing.