Wilcox BOSS Xe

SHOT Show 24 – Crye Precision

Crye Precisionp has lots of new stuff in the hopper behind the door, but what’s out front is more of what we saw last year.

They are currently working on delivery of ATO and the R series carrier, along with female fit and aviator uniforms.

Look for some new items during SOF Week.

10 Responses to “SHOT Show 24 – Crye Precision”

  1. John says:

    Any links to the 2024 catalog?
    Any chance for a G5 ?

  2. Cuvie says:

    Is there an actual ETA on the JPC-R series?

  3. darrel says:

    Looks incredibly lame. This is like the fourth year in a row that they’ve showed up at shot show with hardly anything worth getting hype about

  4. Krzysiek says:

    Interesting they stick to webbing when got AirLite

  5. Nicolas says:

    Is there any news about new colors for the SPC, like Multicam BlacK?

  6. TK says:

    That green jacket in the second image, bottom row, second to the right…is that their take on the old M65? Would definitely be interested of that’s the case!

  7. ag says:

    How does one get invited to their party? LE? Mil?