
Army Futures Command Stands Up All-Domain Sensing CFT

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – This week, Gen. James E. Rainey, commanding general of Army Futures Command, announced the stand-up of an All-Domain Sensing (ADS) Cross-Functional Team (CFT). The new CFT arrives on the heels of the successful completion of the Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space (APNT/Space) CFT’s original mission.

All-domain sensing enables synchronized kinetic and nonkinetic capabilities and has been a consistent priority for Army senior leaders. It supports synchronization and optimization of intelligence collection, processing/dissemination activities and sensor-to-shooter activities. The Army must be able to see as far as it can shoot, see after it shoots, access machine-speed analytics to make informed decisions and understand the impacts of multiple effects on the battlefield.

“CFT’s are one of the indisputable successes of AFC,” Rainey said. “We identify a problem and pull a team together to solve it. The APNT/Space CFT did what we asked them to do, and the changes we are making are intended to capitalize on our success.”

The ADS CFT, located at Adelphi, Maryland, and Huntsville, Alabama, will champion four lines of effort for the Army:

• Multi-Sensor Dominance: Prioritizing, integrating and shaping Army sensor technologies, to include counter-intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting; synchronizing sensor integration and experimentation with Joint, Allied, partner and commercial entities; and developing Army sensor requirements in coordination with Army and Joint communities. 

• Sensing Architecture: Developing integrated sensing architecture that facilitates transport and access at optimal pace and scale to enable Army force projection, fires and maneuver; and supporting Joint and Allied fires and maneuver. 

• Advanced Processing and Dissemination: Identifying, shaping and exploiting advanced technologies for data processing and dissemination at the pace and scale required to execute Army Large-Scale Combat Operations and Multi-Domain Operations and enable Joint and Allied operations.

• Operational Enablers: In coordination with Capability Development and Integration Directorates and Army Capability Managers, shaping doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel and facilities (DOTMLPF-P) for sensors, electronic warfare, and positioning, navigation and timing to support and sustain Army fires and maneuver in denied and degraded environments.

“With the evolution of hard Army problems, comes the evolution of talented teams to solve them,” said Mike Monteleone, director of the ADS CFT. “Our team swiftly delivered on our last mission, proving the CFT concept is effective in accelerating capability delivery. We look forward to helping the Army and Joint enterprise converge understanding and deliver all-domain sensing solutions.”

The ADS CFT will partner closely with teams across the Army and Joint Force; requirements and architecture communities; materiel developers; test, training and experimentation facilitators; and more. The CFT is expected to reach Full Operational Capability (FOC) by the second quarter of fiscal year 2025.

Courtesy of All-Domain Sensing Cross-Functional Team.

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