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Savage Announces New Episode of Savage Journeys: Making It Rain Outdoors

WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – June 28, 2024 – Savage Arms® announces the release of its newest Savage Journeys episode: Making it Rain Outdoors. This story follows Savage Arms ambassadors Rain and Jason Williams and the generational tradition of hunting and fishing that Rain Williams was born into and is sharing with her family. The Williams hope to instill in their children the same passion for the outdoors and inspire other families to connect with nature to ensure the legacy continues for future generations.

Viewers can watch as Rain tells the story of her father and grandfather instilling a love for the outdoors in her from a young age, and how she came to introduce her husband Jason to hunting and fishing when they began dating. Now parents of three, viewers witness them discuss combining parenthood with the outdoors and the balance that takes. The Williams also describe how their brand, Rain Outdoors, came to be and the mission of their platform.

“My husband was passionate about promoting where he was from in the city so he knew all about social media. He would take pictures of me outside hunting and fishing and the brand started building from there,” said Rain Williams. “For a long time, I knew that I wanted to get young people involved, especially young women. Hearing from parents who tell me that their daughters decided to start hunting or fishing because of me is what inspires me to keep making content and building Rain Outdoors.”

As important as creating and sharing content is to Rain and Jason, they stand firm in the idea that the most important job they can do in growing the outdoor community is to instill those values in their children. The Williams work hard to teach their sons that hunting and fishing is more for the harvest than anything else, showing them every step of the process from the catch or kill to a home-cooked meal.

“Rain’s story is important to tell because it highlights the power of family traditions and the vital role of teaching the next generation to cherish our outdoor heritage,” said Kristin Boeshart, Digital Marketing Manager at Savage Arms. “Rain and Jason share their joy for the outdoors and their family every day on their pages.”

The Williams continue to pursue their goals, with a bright vision for the future of Rain Outdoors. Having recently released her first children’s outdoor coloring and activity book, Rain Outdoors Into the Wild, Rain hopes to spark children around the country’s interest in the outdoors, hunting and fishing. Rain and Jason’s adventures are documented on their Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.

“We’re trying to build an outdoors legacy that will last beyond our lives and this is just the beginning of that journey,” said Rain Williams.

This Savage Journeys episode debuted on the Savage Arms website and through its social channels on June 28. For more information about Savage Arms and Savage Journeys, visit

One Response to “Savage Announces New Episode of Savage Journeys: Making It Rain Outdoors”

  1. Raul says:

    Great story and keep it up Savage. Firearms ownership is a right to be exercised far and wide. Been looking at an impulse for a while, when funds permit will pick one up.