SIG SAUER - Never Settle

USAF Selects SEI for AFSPECWAR Airborne Operations Personnel Services Contract

Starting FY25 right

EXCITING news for Green Feet Enterprises dba S.E.I., on the announcement of the PRIME contract award AFSPECWAR Airborne Operations Personnel Services, in support of the 68th RQS, Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona. The 68th is Air Combat Command’s Formal Training Unit charged with upgrading the most elite rescue specialist.

S.E.I., since 1996 has leveraged the most respected special operations warfighters and Subject Matter Experts to help today’s units prepare for future threats in non-permissive environments…helping ensure mission success and the return home of personnel.

S.E.I. Is excited yet again to be given the nod of confidence and the opportunity to provide the commensurate level of professionalism due our military, and to those who make it what it is.

S.E.I. is an SDVOSB 8(a) Small Business specializing in coordinating and managing custom-crafted training for government/civilian agencies…working with today’s warfighter for tomorrow’s battlespace.

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