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Special Tactics Hosts IFAM at Hurlburt Field


The 24th Special Operations Wing and the Special Tactics Training Squadron hosted the second iteration of the Initial Familiarization Course Dec. 9-13, 2024, at Hurlburt Field, Fla. IFAM is a five-day program for select candidates that are considering careers in combat control, special reconnaissance or as a special tactics officer.

“IFAM is packed with invaluable experience and information that any serious candidates interested in joining special tactics should apply for,” said U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Ricky Patterson, 720th Special Tactics Group recruiting assessments and selections section chief.

This year, a total of 26 enlisted Airmen and officers participated in the course, which included mission briefings, interviews with leadership, exercises testing physical and mental readiness, equipment demonstrations and field training events. The participants, all active-duty members from various career fields, are exploring the opportunity to transition to special tactics.

While IFAM has no bearing on the application process or selection boards, it will help identify future candidates for special tactics career fields, explained Maj. Chris Walsh, 24th Special Tactics Training Squadron commander.

“IFAM is an important new initiative for the special tactics community,” Maj. Walsh said. “Our goal is to educate and inspire members that are interested in special tactics career fields, combat control, special reconnaissance and special tactics officer positions. We recognize that many Airmen may not know what to expect or where to start, so it is important that we dispel any myths or unknowns. We also want to prepare future operators with the skills, habits and the training focus they need to be successful.”

In addition to the participants, 14 special warfare recruiters from the 330th Recruiting Squadron in San Antonio, Texas, attended IFAM to gain career field-specific recruiting insight. Recruiters were able to observe and ask the special tactics cadre questions about types of candidates they should try to recruit, said Tech Sgt. Austin Jessup, a senior recruiter with the 330th Recruiting Squadron serving Florida’s Panhandle region.

“Each recruiter will be able to take this knowledge and pass it along to their current and future candidates in their areas of operation,” Jessup said.

Looking ahead, Maj. Walsh said the goal is to host IFAM twice a year to continue to prepare and inform interested candidates.

“We have struggled to attract the talent that exists in our Air Force, and we need to bring more people into our community,” Walsh said. “I’m confident that IFAM is a way to give that talent a place to interact with our operators. To me, this is where the magic happens, I believe they will see how great the people and the mission are in Air Force Special Operations Command and U.S. Special Operations Command.”

For candidates interested in attending IFAM, more information can be found at airforcespecialtactics.af.mil or by emailing 24SOWSTTS.ASSESSMENTS.RAS@us.af.mil.

By Capt Savannah Stephens, 24th Special Operations Wing

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