The Agents are Reporting to Shot Show 2016… is Vegas Ready?

Jan 11th 2015: The Directors, Commissioner and Agents from Agency Arms are coming to Vegas. The Sands Convention Center (Las Vegas, NV) will be the Official Agency area of Operation for the 2016 Shot Show. Breakthrough Clean Technologies booth (#109) will act as Agency Arms’ Headquarters from January 19-22. Daily Raffles, Dealer Specials and Giveaways will be some of the planned events.

Make sure to report to Booth #109 on Thursday January 21st at 1400hrs for a ground breaking product launch from Agency Arms. The Directors along with Agency asset Aaron Cowan (Sage Dynamics) will be unveiling the next generation in firearms technology. The bar is sure to be raised after the world sets their eyes on the NOC and Classified firearm platforms. Rest assured the industry will never be the same…

Learn more at: www.AgencyArms.com

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