
Warrior West – Zero Point Down Range Tool

This is a prototype of the Down Range Tool from Zero Point. It offers 40 tools in one device.

The DRT will be launched next week as a Kickstarter campaign so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement.


3 Responses to “Warrior West – Zero Point Down Range Tool”

  1. Mike says:

    Another neat tool.

    Do you think when our ancestors were first shaping copper into spear points and trowels they thought to themselves “man, I wonder if one day someone will take this metal working thing and build something even cooler than a trowel, like something to keep your pants up, or items to eat your food with, something to chop wood, or a horseless carriage!?”

    • Greg says:

      I imagine the process took so long because they weren’t thinking quite that far ahead, but rather based on need and solving more immediate problems. One thing leads to another, a couple thousand years, a whole mess of little problems solved and now we can start combining solutions in one elegant package.

      • Mike says:

        Hear, hear!

        Great to see what people are coming up with these days. I wish Zero Point all the best with the campaign.