
Fibrotex’ Annual Multispectral Camouflage Workshop –8-9-10 May 2017

Unseen, unbeaten!

Fibrotex Technologies, and Profile Equipment are happy in invite your unit to participate in our annual multispectral operational camouflage workshop. As last year, the workshop will be held in Winterberg, Germany and will include Static & Mobile, Team & individual camouflage systems. This year’s first focus is on the operational practical aspect of how to build and Where to best place the systems to be able to integrate completely with the environment by ‘getting your hands dirty’ and using all the systems. Our second focus this year is on Mobility, introducing our 2nd Gen Mobile kits on moving platform and show casing the ability to dramatically decrease the signature of moving platforms, alongside present & future threats presentation and more.

As technology is very accessible nowadays, not always by the ‘right’ people, we are facing a whole new world where not only advanced friendly militaries and governments but also paramilitary groups and terror organizations have access to ‘state of the art’ tactical devices. With this ‘new’ component in the equation and the fact that there are major gaps between what the units need and what they actually have, we often find ourselves in an inferior position in the battle field.

By testing the systems in the workshop with your tactical devices and the training on how best to use them with the environment, we would be able to introduce some new tools to overcome these obstacles. There for we urge you to bring your sensors to the workshop (UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR-TIR and RADAR) and hand test the gear.

This year, we are happy to host an Israeli Sniper & Pneumatic Simulator Company. We will have an indoor shooting range where you would be able to shoot at Static & mobile targets with a variety of weapons (including your own if present).

Due to the nature of the workshop and the discretion of the attendees, all participants are required to stay onsite throughout the event. We provide and recommend the all-inclusive, onsite arrangement, including meals, drinks, basic (army style) sleeping arrangement and running hot water for showers.

It will be a pleasure to see you at the workshop. As places are limited and for logistic purposes, please RSVP before March 31st. After which will you we receive an invitation letter by name.
Best regards,

Eyal Malleron
Fibrotex Technologies

Pike Moerland
Profile Equipment

For full details, including registration information, download this .pdf.


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