
SHOT Show 19 – B&T Entries for US Army Sub Compact Weapon OTA

The US Army is currently evaluating several 9mm commercial sub machine systems to satisfy their Sub Compact Weapon requirement for Military Police Personal Security Details which protect dignitaries. Swiss company B&T has two variants of their APC9 under evaluation.

The APC9 is their standard model with collapsible stock and ambidextrous controls.

The APC9-K SD has a short Suppressor, under the handguard. While integral suppression was not a threshold requirement, it was an objective. Additional suppression to become fully ear safe can be threaded into the barrel.

Below are two photos which depict how compact the weapon is with the telescoping stock fully closed.

For more information on this product and other B&T products please visit their website

For information on becoming a B&T USA dealer please contact Jon Scott at B&T USA, +1 (813) 653-1200. Or email

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