NEWINGTON, N.H., (March 7, 2025) – The P320 CANNOT, under any circumstances, dischargewithout a trigger pull – that is a fact. The allegations against the P320 are nothing more than individuals seeking to profit or avoid personal responsibility.
Recently, anti-gun groups, members of the mainstream media, trial attorneys, and other uninformed and agenda-driven parties have launched attacks on one of SIG SAUER’s most trusted, most tested, and most popular products – the P320 pistol. In all cases, these individuals have an ulterior motive behind their baseless allegations that the P320 can fire without a trigger pull; they have no evidence, no data and no empirical testing to support any of their claims. They instead choose to misrepresent clear, negligent discharges as a “design problem.”
In the decade since its introduction, the P320 has undergone the most rigorous testing and evaluation of any firearm, by military and law enforcement agencies around the world. It consistently delivers a proven record of performance and reliability through state-of-the-art engineering, and documented quality control at every stage of its production. Claims that unintended discharges are anything more than negligent handling and/or manufactured lies to support an anti-gun, anti-SIG agenda are false. Furthermore, lawsuits claiming that the P320 is capable of firing without the trigger being pulled have been dismissed in courtrooms around the country. In addition, multiple plaintiffs’ so-called experts have conceded, it is not possible for the P320 to discharge unless the trigger is fully actuated.
The rhetoric is high, and we can no longer stay silent while lawsuits run their course, and clickbait farming, engagement hacking grifters continue their campaign to highjack the truth for profit. Enough is enough. From the courts of law to the court of public opinion we will combat the lies and misinformation with the truth. SIG SAUER stands behind the quality, safety, and design of all our products – especially the P320.
Industry, take notice; what’s happening today to SIG SAUER with the anti-gun mob and their lawfare tactics will happen tomorrow at another firearms manufacturer, and then another.
Today, for SIG SAUER – it ends.
Let me honest, the concerns about the P320 didn’t just arise out of a vacuum.
There was an initial design flaw of the trigger being too heavy and when dropped from a specific angle the trigger could, through inertia, continue traveling rearward and discharge the firearm. This was publicly noted by SIG (after vigorous initial denials) and reported to be fixed by Sig and they even now boast of the myriad of angles their guns are drop tested which far exceed any industry standard or department testing protocol.
This put the idea of an “unsafe firearm” into the zeitgeist and is likely responsible for many false and misleading claims that Sig is protesting and defending against.
It is also not fair that Sig is using the “anti-gunners are coming for us and they will come for you next” argument when so of the MOST pro-2A organizations have had concerns about the P320. Several LE Agencies from across the political spectrum have switched to other brands of firearms or no longer allow the P320 to be used in their departments out of what they believe is genuine concern for officer safety. That concern may be unfounded but it is hardly “anti-2A”.
Sig unfortunately has a reputation of beta-testing its products on its customers and rushing to failure. There are numerous QA/QC standard issues on many of their guns that have forced recalles and custermer service fixes. Whether this is above average that other manufacturers or not is somewhat irrelevant if that is what much of the gun owning and 2A supporting public believes. Simply screaming pro-2A slogans and insinuating every LE Agency that sued you is “anti-2A” is not the way to go about getting more LE contracts.
Instead might I recommend a PR campaign about QA/QC, driving customer complaints to record lows, strive to provide product and factory tours to everyone with a camera and a youtube account to showcase all your improvements and safeguards. Provide a detailed summary of every court case on the P320 and the outcome showing your were right and the plaintiff wrong that could be found easily on prominantly on your website. Re-double customer service and strive to be THE benchmark in the industry that everyone else is measured against.
We all know that reputation is hard won but easily lost. We also know that insinuating nefarious motive of those who criticize your product is not the way back to a sterling reputation, even if it may be true (sometimes especially if it is true)
Best of luck.
Well said.
Well said, and couldn’t agree more. My takeaway from this is SIG changing tactics from technical arguments to “It’s an attack by the anti-2A establishment.”
Seems to me that labeling dozens of law enforcement agencies which prohibit P320s as “anti-2A” will be damaging in the long run. While I’m sure *some* discharges are indeed caused by negligence, *some* plaintiffs are indeed seeking an easy payout, and true anti-2A groups *are* capitalizing on the turbulence this is causing, I’ll also defer to the credibility of departments like Virginia State Police, Pennsylvania State Police, Milwaukee PD, and Groton CT Police which have had documented issues with the P320 which are not attributable to training or negligence.
I just confirmed Baghdad Bob is still alive.
Sig needs to hire him to say “There are absolutely no non-intentional discharges with the P320.”
Wow. Elite SCUM.
she doth protest too much..
action > words
show 3rd party video receipts (UL maybe) of every generation of 320 being bashed at all angles and not demonstrating the inertia caused or other unknown unintended discharge.
Why would Sig do this? If Sig did this, all of you will say it is rigged anyways. You guys have had 8 years since the 2017 VUP to do a controlled forensic tests. Why hasn’t anyone found the issue yet if it is so “widespread”? People are comedy. Plus there are over 3 million P320s out there so far, should we give them another 8 years ?
perhaps you are vocabulary challenged… Third party means a separate entity with no incentive to “rig” a test protocol.
The mfgr, or the customer, arranges for a… wait for it.. a third party to impartially test and evaluate a widget.
SIGs legal maneuvering in an attempt to dismiss countless video and witness evidence of uncommanded discharge:
Best summary:
US MIL Cases:
I’m struggling with the thousands of incidents the army must be hiding! Talking thousands of injured legs hidden by the illuminati
My question is why now? did a major lawsuit just get settled? A more high-profile incident? Public affairs guy just snapped? With all the reported incidents of uncommanded discharges both in and out of holsters, it’s either overwhelming them or something particular happened to where they put out a statement designed to either inspire trust in the product or fear in detractors (I honestly can’t tell which).
My guess is that the banning of the 320 by Washington State CJ Training Commission a couple of weeks ago – with the sory making some national outlets this past week – resulted in alot of safety inquiries from other states/agencies.,used%20by%20the%20U.S.%20military.
Whether the uncommanded discharge is a thing or not, SIG was sleezy in their handling of the initial design flaw, and they refuse to address the fact that the guns are extremely prone to catastrophic failures. They have a known issue of not going fully into battery and firing, which causes the gun to blow up. This is extremely well-documented, and I even have had it happen to competent people I know well. They refuse to admit that problem, which in turn leads me to distrust them on any other issue. I’ve also seen quite a bit of issues with M18 straight from the factory, their QC is clearly not great.
I sold all of my 320’s and I will not be buying another SIG product for a long time.