GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

SOTECH Debuts New Law Enforcement Line at NTOA Conference

Looking at all of the gear from patrol bags to plate carriers, SOTECH has innovated a new line of law enforcement nylon products. We are not calling it tactical or SWAT because the system incorporates elements that can be used by patrol officers to active shooter responders to MACTAC to SWAT. SOTECH designers took the position that law enforcement ideas were taken into military designs during the GWOT, and now those ideas have been refined in the military and SOTECH is applying them back into law enforcement in this line. First SOTECH developed a series of tactical products for elite units in LAPD and LASD. Then they combined them into a modular system mounted in a large backpack/trunk bag and removable as military style go bags. This is a major departure from duffel bags that officers lug out from the locker room to their squad cars. The back pack is also sized to strap to a wheel cart. Once in the trunk, modules such as the Mission Go Bag can be dropped on the passenger seat. Customers can purchase a couple applicable pieces for their mission, or they can purchase then entire set. The main pack is designed to carry standard gear like jackets and gas masks plus the packs pictured. The kit is modeled from SOTECH’s mission pack system which is the basis of the Special Forces Medic’s SOF MES set. Check it out at NTOA on Sunday and Monday in Seattle. Items will be released at www.SOTECHTactical.com over the next month.

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