GORE-Tex Professional

Archive for the ‘2A’ Category

What The Recent “Executive Action” on NFA Trust and Corporate Transfers Means To You

Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013

We originally published this guest post by Kel Whelan in September. As we approach the closing date for public comments on this proposed rule change for the transfer NFA items, we felt it was important to revisit the story. Next, we are going to give you some points to consider if you are planning on commenting on the Federal Register site..

I’ve known Kel Whelan for almost as long as I’ve been active on the internet. Based on his background I asked him to write a guest post for SSD on the Obama administration’s recent announcement regarding a change in policy on NFA Trust and Corporate Transfers for NFA items. It’s gotten a lot of folks’ hackles up and by extension made the small industry of producers of these items a bit nervous. So why Kel? That’s simple. He shares his point of view freely and is honest about what he sees. Additionally, I don’t personally know anyone who is closer to the issue. He is really into this whole situation. For example, he once led a class-action lawsuit attempting for the removal of the CLEO signoff and has dealt with NFA firearms and the corresponding laws exclusively throughout his career. And finally, I see him on the road quite a bit and he has this uncanny ability to know at least one good restaurant in each of the 50 states as well as some foreign countries. That alone can be critical.

So, with no further ado, here are Kel Whelan’s thoughts on last week’s announcement.

First off: nothing yet. Because no law change has been enacted at this time.

But, this past Thursday morning, the Obama White House announced an executive action that they claim would close an alleged loophole that allows individuals to obtain items such as machineguns, short barreled rifles, and silencers (known as “Title II” or “NFA” firearms, as they fall under this part of the National Firearms Act) without submitting to any background check. What the President has really done is not any law change that goes into effect immediately, but has instead put pressure on the Department of Justice to write and accelerate a proposed rule change regarding how trusts and corporations are transferred NFA items.

If you’re not familiar with the process of buying, say, a short-barreled-rifle, and why someone would purchase them under the name of a corporation or trust instead of in their own name, a moment of history on the process. Ever since people have been legally buying and selling machineguns, silencers, and other NFA items in compliance with the transfer laws set in place since 1934, the process has traditionally been established and understood. To begin the transfer process, an individual pays the seller for the item, gets a Form 4 (the application to transfer the firearm from seller to buyer – think of it something akin to a car title change) from the seller, goes to the local Police Chief or Sheriff to get fingerprint cards done, staples passport photos to the form, pays a $200 transfer tax fee, and has a statement on the rear of the form signed by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer or “CLEO” with jurisdiction over the individual’s area of residence.


Hot Off The Wire – Idaho Gun Manufacturer Announces “Salesperson of the Year” Recipient Piers Morgan

Thursday, November 14th, 2013

Boise, Idaho – November 13, 2013 – In a surprising move, Idaho gun manufacturer, Intacto Arms, has named anti-gun advocate and CNN talk show host, Piers Morgan their Salesperson of the Year. Morgan, an outspoken critic of private ownership of military style firearms, is a British journalist, television host and former television talent competition judge currently working in the United States.

“We would like to publically thank Piers Morgan and other likeminded anti-gun advocates for their relentless public rants against firearms, and more specifically military style rifles,” said Cooper Kalisek, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Intacto Arms. “Without some gun owners fearing that one day their second amendment rights may be curtailed or even eliminated, we would not have experienced such an explosive surge in demand for our products this year.”

“At Intacto Arms, we believe in giving credit where credit is due,” said Kalisek. “Every year I try to identify the single largest influence on our success, and this year it was very clear. The passionate public hue and cry against firearms of Morgan and other celebrities like him might very well have been the most important factor in our 500% increase in sales from the previous year.”

Intacto Arms is a custom gun manufacturer with only eight employees and a limited marketing budget. “We owe a debt of gratitude to folks like Morgan,” continued Kalisek, “as they have pushed the AR-15 and other military-style weapons into the forefront of media coverage. This has unexpectedly resulted in an urgent call to action for gun owners to purchase our products immediately. No marketing budget, large or small, could have delivered these results.”

According to Kalisek, the Intacto Arms “Salesperson of the Year” Award is a cash award of $1,000 and a custom AR-15. Intacto Arms has notified Morgan through email, Facebook and Twitter that he is the 2013 recipient, but has yet to hear back from Morgan whether he will accept the award in person, as required by federal gun laws.


All Good Things Eventually Come To An End

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013


Your Chance To Be Heard Regarding Proposed NFA Rule Changes

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013


A few weeks ago, the Obama administration announced executive action that would drastically alter how applications for the transfer of NFA by trusts and corporations would be handled. We hosted a great guest article by Kel Whelan that gave us some insight. Now, as part of the process, the ATF is required to publish this proposed change in the Federal Register for public comment. They have done that and we have 90 days to comment.

-Go to www.federalregister.gov/articles/2013/09/09/2013-21661/machine-guns-destructive-devices-and-certain-other-firearms-background-checks-for-responsible.
-Read everything posted about the proposed changes
-Post your comments

I suggest you keep it civil, direct and to the point, and use proper grammar to be most effective.

What Last Week’s “Executive Action” on NFA Trust and Corporate Transfers Means To You

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

I’ve known Kel Whelan for almost as long as I’ve been active on the internet. Based on his background I asked him to write a guest post for SSD on the Obama administration’s recent announcement regarding a change in policy on NFA Trust and Corporate Transfers for NFA items. It’s gotten a lot of folks’ hackles up and by extension made the small industry of producers of these items a bit nervous. So why Kel? That’s simple. He shares his point of view freely and is honest about what he sees. Additionally, I don’t personally know anyone who is closer to the issue. He is really into this whole situation. For example, he once led a class-action lawsuit attempting for the removal of the CLEO signoff and has dealt with NFA firearms and the corresponding laws exclusively throughout his career. And finally, I see him on the road quite a bit and he has this uncanny ability to know at least one good restaurant in each of the 50 states as well as some foreign countries. That alone can be critical.

So, with no further ado, here are Kel Whelan’s thoughts on last week’s announcement.

First off: nothing yet. Because no law change has been enacted at this time.

But, this past Thursday morning, the Obama White House announced an executive action that they claim would close an alleged loophole that allows individuals to obtain items such as machineguns, short barreled rifles, and silencers (known as “Title II” or “NFA” firearms, as they fall under this part of the National Firearms Act) without submitting to any background check. What the President has really done is not any law change that goes into effect immediately, but has instead put pressure on the Department of Justice to write and accelerate a proposed rule change regarding how trusts and corporations are transferred NFA items.

If you’re not familiar with the process of buying, say, a short-barreled-rifle, and why someone would purchase them under the name of a corporation or trust instead of in their own name, a moment of history on the process. Ever since people have been legally buying and selling machineguns, silencers, and other NFA items in compliance with the transfer laws set in place since 1934, the process has traditionally been established and understood. To begin the transfer process, an individual pays the seller for the item, gets a Form 4 (the application to transfer the firearm from seller to buyer – think of it something akin to a car title change) from the seller, goes to the local Police Chief or Sheriff to get fingerprint cards done, staples passport photos to the form, pays a $200 transfer tax fee, and has a statement on the rear of the form signed by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer or “CLEO” with jurisdiction over the individual’s area of residence.


McMillan Merchant Solutions Update

Friday, August 9th, 2013

This is so significant, I’ve posted it under Disruptive Tech. We’ve been mentioning McMillan’s move to create a merchant solutions firm after their run in with Bank of America. It’s now one step closer to reality with the launch of their website and a Facebook page.


The site remains under construction www.mmsllc.com but follow www.facebook.com/mmsllc2A to stay abreast of their latest updates.

They also posted this:

Firearms Industry Merchants – Your Current Credit Card Processing is at Risk.
August 8, 2013 at 8:37pm
Some might say the title of this Post/Note is premature and alarmist in nature. We don’t think so and here’s proof. Can you buy/sell online? Click on the link after each choice below:

eBay – http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/firearms-weapons-knives.html
Craigslist – http://www.craigslist.org/about/prohibited.items
PayPal – https://www.paypal.com/webapps/helpcenter/article/?solutionId=38957
Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=200277700

Do all Merchant Gateways accept transactions from within the Firearms industry…or should I say YOUR BUSINESS?

Square – https://squareup.com/help/en-us/article/5089-prohibited-goods-and-services
Authorize.net – http://www.authorize.net/company/terms/

So what do we do about it?

In April of 2012, Bank of America asked Kelly McMillan to find another bank simply because he manufactured firearms. Conversations with Firearms Industry partners and customers show this is a growing problem. The Firearms industry is under enormous pressure, with many financial vendors covertly AND OVERTLY discriminating against Firearms manufacturers and retailers. Companies are being deprived of the ability to process debit and credit card transactions, often with no notice, simply because they sell firearms, ammunition, or related products and services.

To combat this trend, Kelly McMillan formed McMillan Merchant Solutions (MMS) and our mission is to help strengthen the firearms industry while supporting those organizations that are fighting for our 2nd Amendment rights. We can now provide financial stability for those who accept credit cards as payment and also provide short-term loans to qualified customers.

Let’s be proactive before we have to be reactive! Please help support our collective cause by Like’ing this Page. For more information on our services, and how you can SAVE money while SUPPORTING our Industry, email me at zev@mmsllc.com or call me at our toll free number 855-431-4979.

Rifles On the NY SAFE Act List – You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Thursday, June 27th, 2013

It’s got to be like porn for those that want to restrict firearms that they sit around and obsess of compiling these crazy lists of weapons. Why bother? You put out a law with which features are restricted and that’s that. But instead they have this crazy obsession where they sit around and compile and update lists. It’s like an anti-porn crusader who is a sex addict. Unfortunately, the list is real and came from www.governor.ny.gov/assets/documents/RiflesthatAREclassifiedasassaultweapons.pdf.

Rifles That Are Classified as Assault Weapons – NY SAFE Act by solsys

Support Free Colorado and Get Free Pmags

Thursday, June 27th, 2013


Free Colorado is holding a rally at Infinity Park in Glendale, CO, this Saturday, June 29, to celebrate FREEDOM on the last weekend before the unconstitutional mag ban takes effect. It’s also your last chance to purchase PMAGs in Colorado. Magpul will be there, and they say that they’ve ponied up a LOT of PMAGs. First 1500 over the age of 18 through the gate get a Boulder Airlift or Free CO PMAG FREE! Food, live music, and a helo-borne aerial delivery of PMAGs. Proceeds from mag sales go towards the legislative and legal fight for 2A rights in CO. Get tickets and pre-purchase PMAGs at:
