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Archive for the ‘ADS’ Category

See ThermoMan at Warrior Expo

Monday, June 27th, 2011

Make sure you take full advantage of the breakout sessions when you attend this year’s Warrior Expo – East. DuPontâ„¢ will utilize their mobile ThermoMan® demonstrator to show how important FR clothing is for the service member. It is very interesting to see in person, so don’t miss it. To get an idea of what you will witness, check out this video taken during SSD’s visit with DuPontâ„¢.


ADS Takes It to the Troops ADS

Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

In addition to the East and West Warrior Expos ADS is known for their base level shows. However, this year they have done something completely new. Twice now ADS has taken their thing on the road and gone directly to the troops in Afghanistan.

First, with Operation Lombardi, ADS sponsored a get together in celebration of Super Bowl XLV. Then, over Memorial Day weekend ADS held their first Warrior Expo Afghanistan on Camp Vance, Bagram AFB. This two day vendor show was host to several hundred Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Navy. Both of these events were phenomenal for the vendors involved as they were able to interact directly with deployed forces.


Warrior Expo East Breakout Sessions

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

Aside from seeing lots of cool new gear and running into old friends, one of the greatest things about Warrior Expo is the breakout sessions. Not only is Stanley McChrystal going to give the keynote address, there are multiple opportunities to learn more about key technologies.

After learning of the theme of his address, “Plywood Leadership: Lessons on Leadership from a Warrior, Statesman, and Scholar”, I am particular looking forward to GEN McChrystal’s talk. But there are plenty of other chances to pick up something new.

But GEN McChrsytal won’t be the only flag officer on hand to lend his expertise. In the session, “Logistics: The Big Picture”, Gen Carrol H. “Howie” Chandler, USAF (Ret), LTG Robert T. Dail, USA (Ret), BG Steve Seay, USA (Ret), and Capt Donald M. Ervine, USN (Ret) will relate their experience with historical procurement trends, upcoming issues, and potential solutions to these continued challenges.

We are also particularly fortunate that Guy Cramer, President & CEO of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp will be addressing “Camouflage – The New Science of Stealth” right on the heels of the closure of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort solicitation. At Warrior Expo – West Guy mentioned the existence of a new technology and has said he will disclose more information on it at Warrior Expo – East. What’s more, maybe we can persuade him to reveal his approach to the Army requirement.

Additionally, iRobot will demonstrate their robotics technologies in their booth during a presentation entitled, “Government & Industrial Robots: Robots that make a Difference.” DuPontâ„¢ will utilize their mobile THERMO-MAN® demonstrator to show how important FR clothing is for the service member.

Other session topics include “Navigating DOD Contracting Vehicles” as well as “Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)”. Overall, a pretty good opportunity to learn more about industry.

For a full schedule visit www.adsinc.com/breakouts-east.

Expeditionary At All Levels ADS

Monday, June 6th, 2011

ADS recently published a great primer on various forms of expeditionary shelters. It also contains a few pointers on planning considerations. The article can also be downloaded as a PDF. In this format it reads very much like a magazine and is great for passing along to others. To check the article out, visit www.adsinc.com/geared-up/industry-news-and-events/expeditionary-at-all-levels.

ADS is Having a Garage Sale!

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Is this awesome or what? ADS is moving into their new warehouse and they want to get rid of some of their excess inventory. Held 4 & 5 June in Virginia Beach, you’ve got a little over a week to get your plane ticket in case you don’t live at the center of the known universe like us. We do have to say though, hope they get a permit ‘cuz in Va Beach the fines can be stiff for unlicensed garage sales.


ADS Launches Expeditionary Catalog ADS

Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

This latest specialty catalog from ADS features mobile non-permanent shelters, soft-sided tents, rigid wall shelters, power systems, armored shelters, perimeter and security equipment, and individual tent and sleep systems. All-in-all it’s pretty impressive. I try to keep up with what they are up to and I had no idea how many different shelter solutions were available. But it’s not just tents and shelters, my review revealed generators, showers, flooring, light kits and a whole myriad of equipment needed to get a base up and running.

Download your copy from www.adsinc.com.

Warrior Expo West Wrap Up

Friday, May 20th, 2011

This year’s Warrior Expo West in San Diego was even better than last year. Once again participants came from bases around the Pacific Rim as well as the Western US in order to see the latest in equipment and services from a variety of providers. Attendance was much larger than last year and the number of vendors was also larger making for a great atmosphere.

Now that Expos are offered on both coasts they have become even more accessible. As travel funds become more constrained it’s great to be able to stay a bit closer to home. This also helps to mitigate travel time. Depending on where you are coming from, you can easily spend two travel days. Since both shows are in locations with a large military presence the venues offer billeting for personnel on travel orders as well as local economies that are military friendly.

In addition to the equipment you would generally expect to see at a show like this, there were also vendors specializing in dive equipment and boats, EOD tools, tentage and other expeditionary gear as well as a full section of MRO products including all terrain vehicles and the ADS MRO truck. Look for a few more articles over the next few weeks discussing some of these capabilities.

For those of you who missed Warrior Expo West, be sure to register for Warrior Expo East in Virginia Beach, VA, July 14 & 15. Not only will you get to interact directly with manufacturer reps, but also observe hands on demonstrations, participate in breakout sessions and listen to key note speaker GEN Stanley McChrystal.


Guardian Sleep System Video

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

I shot a little video of the Guardian Sleep System at Warrior Expo West. It has turned out to be one of the most popular articles from the show so I thought you might want to get a better look at the system components.

For a review of the system check out my earlier article.
