If you use the Redi-Mod from Blue Force Gear on your carbine like I do then you might want to pay close attention to the information they passed to me today.
Customer Service and Product Performance are top priorities at Blue Force Gear. It has come to our attention that Redi-Mods we provided between November 5, 2009 and March 22, 2010 may have magazine catches which are insufficiently staked. While this condition has no effect on the host weapon reliability or safety, the magazine catch on the Redi-Mod itself could work its way loose over time causing the spare magazine to drop free unexpectedly. If you purchased a Redi-Mod between the dates above, we would like to inspect and re-stake your Redi-Mod (on an as need basis) to ensure that it continues to function properly. We will perform this inspection and re-staking at no charge and will pay ground shipping both ways. Customers who received Blue Force Gear Redi-Mods in the affected date range should email returns@blueforcegear.com or call 877-430-2583 to receive exact return instructions.
The Redi-Mod is an excellent modification to the highly popular Redi-Mag designed to keep a spare mag right where you may need it. On the weapon and next to the mag well. It’s stuff like this that makes me proud to be associated with Blue Force Gear who stand behind their product.