Direct Action’s brand new catalog just landed. You can browse it without getting up from your chair! Just click on this link.
Direct Action’s brand new catalog just landed. You can browse it without getting up from your chair! Just click on this link.
SOTech/ Special Operations Technologies Inc announces its 2023 Ground Warfare Catalog debuting Gen 5 of their Battle Load Carriage System (BLoCS). From Rifleman, Grenadier, and Medic ensembles down to individual ammunition, electronics and survival pouches, this catalog dissects the soldier’s load. BLoCS Gen 5 has been under development for over a year and has been developed with Americas elite SOF units and field tested by individual soldiers and Marines as well as an Army Infantry platoon. While SOTech is currently filling orders at the Battalion and Company level, these designs are being considered at the Army and Marine Corps level. For details and specs, check