
Archive for the ‘Forces Focus’ Category

Forces Focus – Take A Look At The 1st Special Operations Wing

Tuesday, November 5th, 2013

It Was 30 Years Ago Today

Friday, October 25th, 2013

On the morning of October 25th, 1983 America awoke to reports that our troops had invaded a small Caribbean nation named Grenada in order to liberate American medical students from danger posed by political instability. Joined by Regional Security System troops from a variety of Caribbean partner nations they swiftly overwhelmed the Grenadian and Cuban troops. While Operation Urgent Fury was in name, a joint force operation and included the use of Special Operations Forces, it highlighted many interoperability issues such as use of operational overlays and radio issues.


I was in high school when this went down and it made me want to be in the Army even more than I already did. Thankfully, over time, many of the stove pipe issues suffered by the pre-Goldwater-Nichols military were beginning to be identified when I joined a few years later. Interestingly, the operation was conducted with many systems still in use from the Viet Nam war. Our next time at bat, in Panama, saw several new weapons developed during the Reagan buildup such as the F117 stealth fighter and the Marine Corps LAV. Additionally, SOF took a much more prominent role in operation Blue Spoon.

Let us not forget the 19 Americans killed in action and the 116 who were wounded. Unfortunately, there were 24 Grenadian civilians also killed in the conflict.

Forces Focus – Special Tactics Officer

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

Do you have what it takes to become a US Air Force Special Tactics Officer?

Forces Focus – APU: Eagles of Afghanistan

Friday, October 11th, 2013

APU Eagles of Afghanistan from KVG on Vimeo.

Discuss amongst yourselves.

20th Anniversary of The Battle of Mogadishu

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

Today marks the 20th Anniversary of the Oct 3rd Raid during which elements of TF Ranger, deployed to Mogadishu, Somalia conducted an operation on that city’s Olympic Hotel in order to capture key leaders of the Aidid Militia.

Unfortunately, during the exfil portion of the raid a battle ensued that claimed the lives of 18 Americans and wounded another 73. Additionally, CW3 Michael Durant was captured by the militia. Fortunately, Durant was later repatriated and went on to retire from the 160th.


For those of you unfamiliar, one of the best accounts of the battle is contained in the book, “Blackhawk Down” by author Mark Bowden. Much of the information was serialized prior to the book’s publication in the Philadelphia Enquirer. Later this was made into a movie bearing the same name.

If you want to here more from a man that was there in the thick of it, pick up a copy of Panteao Productions‘ “Battle of the Black Sea” featuring MSG Paul Howe (USA, Ret).

Please take a moment to remember these men and their sacrifice.

Commo Section – 3ID LRS

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013


I’m in this circa 1989 photo with the guys I served with in the Commo Section of D Co (LRS), 103rd MI Bn (CEWI), 3 ID. It was taken as we assumed PZ posture before a patrolling exercise. I’m still in touch with a few of you but if you’re in this photo, contact me. I’d love to hear from you.

Forces Focus – USAF Safeside

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

This one is an interesting history lesson. Designated by the code name “OPERATION SAFESIDE”, the 1041st USAF Security Police Squadron (Test) was formed at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii from a cadre of USAF graduates of the Army Ranger school. From that original unit, the Air Force eventually stood up the 82nd Combat Security Police Wing and subordinate units the 821st, 822nd and 823rd Combat Security Police Squadrons.

This is a short two-part USAF film on this force.

Part I

Part II

Today, the lineage of these units lives on in the 820th Base Defense Group and its subordinate squadrons.

Bastille Day Parade

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

Unfortunately, we were remiss in wishing our French readers a happy Bastille Day. July 14th is their day of national independence and France was instrumental in our fight for independence. Each year the French celebrate with a large parade in Paris. Enjoy this year’s parade.

Once again, we apologize for missing Bastille Day. Vive La France!