Archive for the ‘Morale’ Category

Happy Presidents Day

Monday, February 18th, 2013

While Presidents Day was originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it is now popularly viewed as a day to celebrate all U.S. presidents – past and present.

President George H.W. Bush, front, rides in a Humvee with with U.S. Army Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, commander of U.S. Central Command during a visit to troops in Saudi Arabia on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, 1990. (The White House photo by David Valdez)

Canipe Correspondence – This week in “America has Gone Crazy…”

Saturday, February 16th, 2013

Many of the people I talk to regularly have heard the remark “America has gone crazy” or some more profane variation of it. This week, America in general has proven my point once again with a couple of real disturbing and disappointing moves in the arenas of lawmaking and political maneuvering. We had the State of the Union, new gun control on the table in Colorado and Missouri, murdered SEAL, author, and veterans advocate Chris Kyle was laid to rest, and servicemen who do not serve in direct combat can now get awards higher than the Bronze Star with V. I couldn’t pick one topic this week as I feel strongly about all of these.

The State of the Union. The President telling us how awesome he’s doing. There is a saying, “don’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining.” We all got pissed on. Jobs are still in the toilet, his approval is remarkably low, the economy sucks. We are still supporting millions of illegal immigrants with our tax dollars, our hard earned money that could be going to put our kids through college, or paying down mortgages, or saving to open small businesses in our communities. He spends money like my ex-wife and likewise doesn’t make nearly that much, which some of you can relate to I’m sure. Where he’s not spending it is our security, as our military prepares for the most devastating loss of funding in a generation. There are pockets of the military that you may think have a “blank check” so to say. You’re wrong, and our nation’s readiness at all levels is going to be impacted significantly, and our safety at home is directly tied to that. So there’s all that stuff.

In Colorado, and Missouri, the Democrats are operating as per SOP, trying to institute meaningless legislation to curb violence. They haven’t yet figured out that criminals don’t obey laws, and are unlikely to anytime soon. Colorado HB 1224 will stop the sale and manufacture of high-capacity magazines. The Governor addressed his state on Facebook about how important jobs are, while supporting the immediate loss of nearly 1000 jobs, displaced families, and $85 million from his state’s economy if Magpul Industries moves. Even if manufacturing is exempted, CEO Rich Fitzpatrick and COO Doug Smith have stated Magpul will leave CO. As a Magpul employee I couldn’t be more proud to work for the company right now. In Missouri, the agenda is to get all assault weapons/hi-cap mags banned, without a provision for grandfathering. 90 days to turn them in, if it passes. The details of the proposal are available here on Soldier Systems if you scroll back a day or two. I cannot help but question the level of intelligence of a person who thinks that restricting access to something will stop it’s use. Hey, it worked with drugs I guess. Oh wait!

American Sniper author, former SEAL, and veteran’s advocate Chris Kyle was laid to rest this week. Kyle and a longtime friend were gunned down at a Texas ranch while shooting with a Marine vet. It’s a tremendous loss for the community and America in general. The President offered condolences for Whitney Houston, a crackhead entertainer, with no mention being given a short time later to a recipient of two Silver Stars and 5 Bronze Stars. Disgusting, on all counts. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those killed, and I am stunned by such a senseless loss.

There is a new DoD award for eligible personnel called the Distinguished Warfare Medal. It sights higher on a rack than a Bronze Star with “V” device. If you’re not aware, the BSM-V is awarded for valor in combat. How someone not in direct combat could get an award that is higher in precedence than an award for combat heroism is beyond me. Medals are not significant in themselves to me, but as a representation to the lives lost and importance of the men to your left and right I think they hold a place of honor. Someone who was not exposed to that risk, and in turn risked their life for the people around them should not be recognized with a greater award than those that did, plain and simple. I firmly believe awards for valorous actions in direct combat should sit above any other award.

There was a lot of crazy going on this week. I heard the President said Chicago needed better gun laws but there are only so many hours in a day to figure out what kind of insanity the liberals are up to now. I’m signing off til next week, where hopefully there will be something less depressing to write about, like 4-wheelers, machine guns, or the potato gun I’m trying to build in the garage…if it’s still legal then.

The 2013 Hot Shots Calendar Benefits SOWF

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Smith Optics Elite Division is excited to present the 2013 “Hot Shots” Calendar. Inspired by vintage pin–ups and WWII bomber art, this beautiful calendar will both decorate your walls and benefit the families of those that serve our country. Proceeds from this project will be donated to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.

Hot Shots Calendar

This years calendar features force favorites Rosie Jones, Hollie Peers, India Reynolds, Kelly Hall, Sam Cooke, and Emily O’Hara. This 12×18″ calendar is available now for only $12.00. Buy a few and share them with your friends!

Save on Some Kill Cliff and Support the Armed Forces Foundation

Thursday, February 14th, 2013

Kill Cliff is an orange flavored carbonated recovery drink. This isn’t some energy drink that will get you going like a freight train but then drop you like a cheating girlfriend a few hours later. Kill Cliff tastes great and each 12-ounce can contains only 25mg of caffeine, 15 calories and no sugar. What sets this drink apart from other products is the combination of electrolytes and a proprietary mix of recovery supporting ingredients including an enzyme blend, green tea extract, ginger root, and milk thistle among other functional nutrients.


Want to get 10% off your next order of tasty Kill Cliff as well as FREE shipping? Better yet, how would you like to support the Armed Forces Foundation with 10% of proceeds of your purchase? The Armed Forces Foundation is certainly worthy of your support. They have a history for supporting the families of America’s fallen warrior regardless of branch of service, specialty, or unit with 94% of donations going to support their programs.

To order visit and enter SSD in the coupon code line. This offer is good through Friday, 15 Feb at 5:00 PM EST.

MURPH: The Protector

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

I remember meeting John Murphy, the father of fallen Navy SEAL (LT) Michael P Murphy’s father, a couple of years ago at SOFIC. I could see his eyes light up with pride as he spoke about his son and and yet there was something in his voice that made me feel his loss. Yet, he spoke passionately about working to fund a documentary on Murph’s life. Now, thanks to the hard work of many, including Kill Cliff, it is a reality.

LT Murphy was killed June 28, 2005 after exposing himself to enemy fire and knowingly leaving his position of cover to get a clear signal in order to communicate with his headquarters. He provided his unit’s location and requested immediate support for his element and then returned to his position to continue fighting until he died from his wounds. For his efforts and sacrifice, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

MURPH: The Protector premieres March 22nd, 2013 at select Regal Entertainment Group Theatres.

Happy Birthday Haji!

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013


You Never Know Where SSD Will Show Up Next

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Thanks for the share guys!

Mil-Spec Monkey Wants Your Opinion

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

Mil-Spec Monkey is considering doing a run of Nalgene bottles. They’d like your opinion on which logo you’d most like to see emblazoned on a bottle.


To vote, visit