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Archive for the ‘Parachuting’ Category

Forces Focus – SF Airborne Operations

Sunday, December 22nd, 2013

Here’s some motivational video of SF and support personnel conducting airborne operations.

Thanks Karl!

Attention All NAPs

Friday, August 16th, 2013


Attention all NAPS* – Today is Airborne Day. Take a Knee. That is all. Carry on.

*NAP = Non Airborne Personnel aka Legs

United States Parachutist Badge

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013


Lets see if any of you guys know who designed it.

23 STS Airborne Operations

Tuesday, July 9th, 2013

I spent some time as an Intel Officer at the 23 (pronounced two-three) as a Lieutenant in the late 90s. This is a great, short video showcasing airborne operations.

Introducing NavBoard Stubby from S&S Precision

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

The NavBoard Stubby from S&S Precision incorporates a compass and PALS compatible attachment.


Systems Technology Jumpmaster Simulator

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Not only did Systems Technology, Inc give SOFIC goers some hands on experience with their free fall simulator, but they also exhibited what is in my opinion, the hidden jewel of the show; a Jumpmaster Simulator.


Parachuting is inherently dangerous. That’s why they pay military jumpers $150 per month. Jumpmasters ensure that parachutists conduct correct actions in the aircraft and exit safely. But they don’t receive any extra pay even though they expose themselves to additional hazards in the performance of their duties as seen in this video of a Jumpmaster from the 5th SFG(A) conducting a ramp jump. Fortunately, he wasn’t injured when his reserve parachute deployed, sucking him out of the aircraft.

The Systems Technology simulator relies on fused reality. The Jumpmaster wears goggles that let him see the interior of the ramp simulator. But when the Jumpmaster looks at the blue screen area, a virtual horizon with sky and terrain is projected into his vision.


The simulator allows the Jumpmaster to master procedures in a safe environment and develop skill at spotting without expending valuable flying hours. Monitors can also be configured to see what the Jumpmaster is seeing and virtual parachutists can be added to the mix.

Because Today Looks Like a No Jump Kind of a Day

Sunday, May 19th, 2013


SOFIC – Systems Technology, Inc

Thursday, May 16th, 2013


Systems Technology, Inc gave hands on experience with their free fall simulator.
