GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘SHOT Show’ Category

Announcing the LBT SHOT Show 2015 Giveaway

Friday, January 9th, 2015

If you thought last year’s SHOT Show Giveaway was over the top, you ain’t seen nothing yet!


This year several great companies have come together to offer an amazing giveaway, with more prizes than last year and more opportunities to win.


How To Enter
Tier 3 and Tier 2 GAW entry is achieved by obtaining 1 of 200 entry cups that will be handed out at 3:00 FCFS basis on day two Wed. Jan 21st of Shot Show

Tier 1 GAW entry is achieved by obtaining 1 of 100 LBT poker chips from one of the parties involved in the GAW, each party involved will have 25 special poker chips to GAW at their own discretion…. now how you go about obtaining one of these said poker chips is up to you, only you will have to live with the bad decisions you make in Vegas at SHOT SHOW.

4 Parties Involved
LBTINC / LBX Tactical / Costa Ludus
2 Vets Arms
Tactical Distributors

Tier 3 (3 Winners)
– One LBT-1476A 3 Day pack filled with Tactical Distributors goods and swag from all partners involved.

Tier 2 (2 Winners)
– One LBT Rifle Bag filled with Tactical Distributors goods and swag from all partners involved.

– One LBX Costa Rifle Bag filled with Tactical Distributors goods and swag from all partners involved.

Tier 1 (2 Winners)
– 2VetsArms custom .308 Desert Digi Rifle
LBT Long Rifle Bag filled with Tactical Distributors goods and swag from all partners involved.

– Warsport GPR-E Rifle
LBX Costa Rifle Bag filled with Tactical Distributors goods and swag from all partners involved.

Rough Timeline
3:00 Kegs arrive and entry cup beer starts to flow

3:30-4:30 Socialize and check out the rifles/gear for the GAW

4:30-5:00 Start the GAW at Tier – 3 and work our way up to Tier – 1

5:30 Stumble back to your room and get ready for whatever you decide to get in to that night

FirstSpear Friday Focus – Point Blank Enterprises and FirstSpear at SHOT 2015

Friday, January 9th, 2015


At this year’s Shot Show, FirstSpear will be exhibiting on the main floor with soft armor partner, Point Blank Enterprises, in booth# 11366. FS will be showcasing more than 15 new products, utilizing the latest tactical equipment technology in conjunction with cutting-edge ballistic packages, “cold beverages” will be provided every show day at 1400.

Drop In On Original SWAT At SHOT Show

Friday, January 9th, 2015


The time is nearing. SHOT Show is already 2 weeks away. If you happen to be attending visit the Original S.W.A.T. ?booth 20149. OSWAT will be unveiling some new items that people have been asking about even at last years show. Original S.W.A.T. will also be giving away a pair of boots each day of SHOT. But you’ve got to stop by the booth to find out how to enter.

The 2015 War Sport Catalog is Here

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

War Sport 2015 Catalog

(Click image to view catalog)

Also, make sure you check War Sport Industries out at Booth #3767 at SHOT Show.

Make Sure You Visit Ops-Core During SHOT Show

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

Ops-Core SHOT Show

Looks Like Quite A Lineup In The LBT Booth At SHOT Show

Thursday, January 8th, 2015


SHOT Show Bingo

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

It’s an old favorite and never fails to entertain.


US Tactical Supply Can’t Wait To See You At SHOT Show

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015
