Other than the memes it has to be that everyone takes the piss out of everything posted.
Other than the memes it has to be that everyone takes the piss out of everything posted.
They could have come up with a lot of excuses, but ‘operational reasons’ kind of pisses us off. Fortunately, the thought police can’t block us at home.
Let us know if you’ve recently lost access to soldiersystems.net through government computer systems.
Don’t tell us if it works on your network, that will just let them know where else to cut it off. We just want to know which bases are at issue.
The Indiegogo page for the XM42 Handheld Flamethrower is now live.
The XM42 is the world’s first commercially available handheld flamethrower. The XM42 is designed for all manner of household chores:
– Clearing snow and ice
– Eliminating weeds
– Insect control
– Bonfire starting
– Pyrotechnic event displays
– And more…
It feeds from an onboard fuel tank, and is intended to work with 87 octane gasoline. The effective range is roughly 20-25 feet from the nozzle.
At the time of writing, the project has already made $14,000, or 35% of the $40,000 goal, on the first day; this one’s gonna reach its goal fast.
Credit goes to Robert Young Pelton for photo and terminology.
Since are much more interested in trainwreck than actual news, we present this little gem recently showcased on Tactical Fanboy. It’s another file for the “even though you could, you shouldn’t have” folder.
This photo of a highly motivated Peshmerga fighter and his rather interesting rifle recently hit https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/2ve0p1/peshmerga_fighter_holding_what_can_only_be/. The piece de la resistance (pun intended) is definitely the M16 carrying handle.
From the creative talent of Carnik Con.
Nitelife Promotions offers Open Carry T-shirts that look real. While they were created by a Pro-2A business owner Paul Liebe to promote firearms, even he admits that they could be mistaken by law enforcement for a real gun. In fact, he includes this warning in his site as well as with each shirt.
They are available in a variety of sizes, colors and styles but regardless, they look real enough that it could cause some tension. I’d say that if you’re going to wear it under a vest or jacket like this photo suggests, you might as well expect some unwanted attention.
I don’t doubt the man’s dedication, I’m just questioning the execution. I’ll file this one in the “even though you could, you shouldn’t have” folder.