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Archive for the ‘WTF?’ Category

The Zombie Combat Manual: A Guide to Fighting the Living Dead

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

The Zombie Combat Manual

Nothing like a horde of zombies hungering for brainz to get the old blood pumping. Recently released, “The Zombie Combat Manual” is just the thing to impart the skills needed to take Zed on with just your bare hands or improvised weapons.

During a zombie outbreak, 98% of individuals will have to destroy an undead opponent without the aid of a firearm. Will you be ready?

“The Zombie Combat Manual” is available from amazon.com.

Stuff We Didn’t Write About

Saturday, May 1st, 2010

This week’s winners are:

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint

Redesign the Air Force’s Craptastic Cyber Warrior Badge
The Post-it Rifle
Danes Upgrade Carbines
Feds Shame Clothier For Cheap Blog Bribes – See here for context
Military Wants to Super-Charge Troop Smarts

Nerf Mk 19

Sunday, April 25th, 2010

This Nerf version of the Mk 19 AGL took an astonishing 4-1/2 years to build. Powered by compressed air the gun by itself weighs 45 pounds and with the box, belt, battery, and air tanks is comes in at over 100.

US Cav Introduces the BEER Back

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

For times when discretion is the better part of valor, US Cav is proud to introduce the new BEER Back.

Their literature pretty much sums it all up in this one sentence, “Have you ever thought to yourself, “Man, I could really use a drink, right now?” If so then the BEER Back is for you! That’s right, a totally self contained personal, hands-free alcohol dispensing unit that allows you to have cold, crisp, refreshing beer – anywhere you go.

Don’t forget the larger Keg Back for those Squad outings! Order now and receive a free chicken wings fanny pack.

Kick Some Ass with a Rolled Up Magazine

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

If you are a fan of our WTF? series of articles then this one is for you. We think we have identified the mother of all WTF?’s and all future articles will be judged against this one. This is awesome!

Professor Ronald Duncan is providing instruction in the art of Hoda Korosu; the art of improvised weaponry. I was actually quite pleased to see this since I have been telling my kids since they were little that you could turn anything into a weapon. I don’t think they really ever believed me until now.

Ever get your ass kicked with a rolled up magazine? Well be careful with this information. It can be dangerous. Seriously, someone (yes it was one of those doubting Thomas children of mine) almost put my eye out earlier. If you do put your eye out, (or anything else) remember, we warned you.

Finally, I gotta say, seeing this guy I immediately think of Pootie Tang and the belt.

Thodio abox

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

We ran across this one on Gizmodo. It’s a speaker system mounted in a .50 ammo box. The speakers light up and it’s lined with vibration dampening material to ensure clear sound. It is iPod ready and integrates a rechargeable battery so that it is self-contained. I mean at 350 euros (Kevlar speakers 475 euros) it’s a real steal right?

Thodio abox

Visit www.thodio.nl.

Drop That Hookah Pipe

Friday, February 26th, 2010

Hookah BagNormally, I am pretty unimpressed with knockoffs in industry. However, this one came straight from the company being ripped off. Apparently, there is a company named Zenobia selling hookah pipes, in Iraq. Pursuant to this enterprise they are selling a “hookah pipe carrier” that bears a strong resemblance to the SOTech Go Bag. Maybe we’ve stumbled on to the Iraqi version of the violin Case. I can hear the conversation at the checkpoint now, “Of course that’s not a Krinkov in my bag, it’s my hookah pipe silly.” If you want a real SOTech Go Bag, visit www.specopstech.com.


Saturday, February 13th, 2010

If you were like me, you were in the Scouts as a kid and part of the deal was earning merit badges.

Demeritwear has come up with a collection of badges to poke some fun at the lighter moments in life. I like quite a few of them but I have decided to share three with you that could very easily be handed out to the team Schleprock* every time he has an ‘incident’.

Deer in the HeadlightsLostStupid Oughta Hurt

Demerit Badges can be purchased individually or pre-sewn to hats and shirts.

Schleprock – The guy stuff always happens to. Whether breaking the seemingly unbreakable, getting into inexplicable accidents, or being regularly stabbed by the psycho ex-girlfriend; he is…Schleprock.