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Posts Tagged ‘Avon Protection’

Warrior West 18 – Avon Protection NH15 Escape Hood

Monday, April 23rd, 2018

The NH15 escape hood from Avon Protection offers 15 minutes of respiratory, eye and face protection from airborne CBRN threats as well as liquid agent splashes.

The h2S version provides 100 minutes of protection against Hydrogen Sulfide.

The headband is self adjusting and the entire hood is clear for identification of the wearer and to enhance vision. It takes less than 30 seconds to don and has a five year shelf life.

SOFIC – Avon Protection

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Avon Protection has expanded their role in the market by introducing the Morpheus semi-closed rebreather from recently acquired VR Technology.


Designed for use by divers who are involved in shallow water work (<40m/130'), it is available in single gas (nitrox) or dual gas (nitrox/oxygen) changeover configurations.

2011 Warrior Expo – Avon Protection

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Here is the first of many highlights from Warrior Expo 2011 for those of you who missed it. For agency and unit inquiries visit