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Posts Tagged ‘BSA’

Who Is An Eagle Scout?

Sunday, June 28th, 2015

The view is somewhre over Alaska in an F/A-18.

Photo by LT CG, Eagle 2007

Who Here Is An Eagle Scout?

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

I’m curious if any SSD readers are Eagle Scouts. Stand up and be counted.


I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1981.

Cold Weather Layering by BSA’s Northern Tier National High Adventure Base

Friday, October 17th, 2014

This is a pretty good video on the basics of cold weather layering presented by the staff at the Boy Scouts of America’s Northern Tier National High Adventure Base in Ely, Minnesota.

It definitely makes a great starting point for discussion. Would anyone like to add their experiences or products they like to use in cold weather?

Field Gourmet – Dutch Oven Biscuits

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

One thing I can say about Scouts is that I learned how to cook over an open fire. Here is a recipe for Dutch Oven biscuits from the 1967 BSA Field Book.


Check Out These Old School Scout Uniforms

Sunday, December 8th, 2013

Can you imagine if Boy Scout uniforms looked like that now?


Charles Evans Hughes with Scouts, probably during the time he was an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. He ran for president in 1916 and later was appointed Chief Justice of the Court.

(Source: Men of Schiff)

Commandant of the Marine Corps Presents Boy Scouts With Awards

Friday, November 22nd, 2013


In this photo taken in 1925 of CMC, then Maj Gen John LeJeune, he presents a group of Boy Scouts with awards. That sure is an interesting hat the legendary General LeJeune is wearing.

50,000 Boy Scouts March On New York

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

That’s 50,000 Boy Scouts at the 1939 World’s Fair. As many of you know I am a Scout leader. I love to find bits of Scouting history and share them with my readers. I know of no better leadership program for America’s youth than the Scouting program.

This is a rare, color movie of Troop One, Flushing, New York, at the 1939 World’s Fair, escorting “Uncle Dan” Beard. Beard, ever the showman, was wearing an all-white Scout uniform with his National Scout Commissioner insignia. Ernest Martin, an early Scout professional, is with Uncle Dan. Other figures appearing in this clip are Dr. James E. West, Chief Scout Executive and J. Edgar Hoover, Chief of the F.B.I.

Uncle Sam Needs You!

Tuesday, May 7th, 2013


Thanks Stan Lee! And thanks Boy Scouts of America for reminding us to keep an eye on one another throughout this summer. The message is just as valid today as it was in 1958.