Elite Defense
Elite Defense offers a turn-key service for distribution management, license processing, and logistics. They specialize in unique, top of the line product distribution with an emphasis on ITAR related exports. Elite Defense combines resources, relationships, and expertise into one company that is qualified to service manufacturers and clients in defense and small arms markets worldwide.
Located outside of Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, the Elite Defense team is comprised of industry veterans with the greatest of expertise in their specific fields, who work synergistically with top-tier manufacturers to directly affect a company’s bottom line. Elite Defense is in the process of moving to a new facility which will not only provide additional warehouse space but be better suited to house their operations.

Elite Defense was founded in 2007 to help small to medium size manufacturers in the small arms industry sell and distribute their products internationally. Elite’s initial model helped its partners maintain compliance with export regulations and manage the logistic difficulties of representing and moving their products internationally. Since then, Elite has grown to include a domestic wholesale side of its business while it continues to partner with top tier manufacturers.

Elite Defense provides top-to-bottom, worldwide logistical support to help facilitate the distribution of non-competing product lines in order to maximize efforts and utilize marketing expertise to develop new business opportunities within Law Enforcement, MoD, and MoI entities worldwide. Even if Elite doesn’t carry your product line or work with your company’s dealer/distributors directly, Elite can help your company with the export of your controlled products to ensure your company is within compliance of all ITAR and EAR regulations.