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Posts Tagged ‘Impact Weapons Components’

Haley Strategic Partners Releases Adaptive Light Mounts

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Partnering with Impact Weapons Components, Travis Haley developed two new HSP Adaptive Light Mounts. Available in two models; Dropwing and Thorntail, both are designed to mount the SureFire Scout Light to carbines in such a manner to leave room for both your hands on the rifle but also any lasers or other devices mounted to the carbine. They can be mounted in 8 different positions on the rail system and moves the light forward, in front of lasers or other gear with plenty of room to keep even a vampire head out of the way of a laser.


The Dropwing is intentionally designed to fit in a shorter carbine’s rail system (works fine with longer rails as well). But, instead of mounting to the Picatinny rail itself, it mounts in the space between the rail sections to offer a lower profile.


Conversely, the Thorntail does the same things as the Dropwing, except that it is Mil Std 1913 rail compatible.

Although designed to mount a SureFire Scout Light, there is also a ring system for use with these mounts to accommodate other lights.

From what we understand, these are the first of many weapons accessories on the way from Haley Strategic Partners.
