GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Posts Tagged ‘Maglula’

SHOT Show – Maglula

Sunday, January 25th, 2015


Maglula’s Range Benchloader is a heavy-duty industrial 30-round loader for most standard .223/5.56 magazines, including aluminum, polymer, and steel magazines. The Benchloader’s design allows users to quickly load up to 30-rounds through its single stroke loading action. Its open design allows for examination of rounds prior to loading, and the design reduces wear on feed lips, prolonging magazine life.


Maglula – AR15 / M4, PMAG Range BenchLoader

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015


Maglula’s new Range BenchLoader is an injection-molded, industrial 5.56 / .223 magazine loader made to load an AR-15 compatible magazine up to 30 rounds in a single hand stroke. It’s intended for daily loading of hundreds of magazines at shooting ranges and armories. Its design reduces or eliminates finger pain and injury, shortens load time, and doesn’t damage magazine feed lips.
