
Posts Tagged ‘NYTOA’

TYR Tactical at NYTOA

Monday, April 24th, 2017

TYR Tactical® is proud to announce its participation in the New York Tactical Officers Association conference on April 25th-26th, Booth# 413. Get hands-on with the latest TYR Tactical®, Huron™ and Revere K9™ designs. Following our mantra, Innovate or Die®, these products continue our mission of pushing the standards of today’s tactical equipment, defining modularity and scalability and are custom made for you, The Next Generation Warrior®. If you would like to set up a meeting please contact Joey Goodloe at

American Defense Manufacturing To Attend NYTOA

Friday, April 21st, 2017


New Berlin, WI – 23APRIL2017 – American Defense Mfg® is proud to support our nations law enforcement officers with high quality, intentionally superior products. American Defense Mfg® will be displaying a full line of rifles and mounting solutions at NYTOA in conjunction with Vortex Optics and CMC Triggers 25APR & 26APR.