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Posts Tagged ‘Panteao Productions’

Panteao Launches Affiliate Program

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Columbia, SC, December 10, 2014 – Panteao is happy to announce that AvantLink, the leader in Affiliate technology, has partnered with Panteao to introduce the new Panteao Affiliate Program. Now website owners can earn a commission on every qualified buyer sent to the Panteao website. AvantLink’s technology will help the website owner to maintain accurate campaign information and work more efficiently while providing a robust set of affiliate tools free of charge.

Panteao Affiliate

The Panteao Affiliate Program will apply to both DVDs and website subscriptions with a 15% commission on every sale. An assortment of banners and text ads for both the Make Ready to Survive and Make Ready with the Experts Series are available to with more being added.

For more information, interested website owners can visit the Panteao affiliate page or go straight to the AvantLink site to sign up for free.

Panteao Affiliate Program:
AvantLink Sign-Up Page:

The Panteao AR15 Rifle & Carbine DVD Available Exclusively From The NRA Store

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014

Columbia, SC, November 25, 2014 – Panteao Productions is happy to announce the availability of the AR15 Rifle & Carbine DVD at the NRA Store. This ninety minute DVD produced exclusively for the NRA was done with the intent of presenting the AR15 rifle and carbine platform in a clear and straight forward manner.

With the help of Kyle Harth, the video brings the viewer up to speed on the design and more recent innovations in the platform. Kyle is a veteran of the US Army Special Forces and served multiple combat tours and deployed globally in operational, instructional and advisory capacities.

Kyle reviews the history of the AR15 platform, breaks down the overall function of the rifle, barrel lengths and twist rates, the differences between direct gas impingement and piston systems, choices in calibers, the many accessories on the market, and maintenance. If you are new to the AR15 and want to know more about the design and its features, this video is for you. If you already own an AR and want to see what other options are out there, look no further.

The DVD can be ordered online from the NRA Store at:

Panteao Productions – New Make Ready To Survive Trailer Released

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Columbia, SC, November 18, 2014 – Panteao is happy to announce the release of the Make Ready to Survive video trailer. The trailer introduces the instructors from the series and uses a musical score written exclusively for Panteao by Tim Kvasnosky. Tim wrote the theme song for the Make Ready with the Experts trailers and was the natural choice for the new Make Ready to Survive Series.

The instructors in the series include former US Army Delta Operator Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder Self Reliance School, US Army Special Forces Green Beret Kyle Harth, disaster preparedness consultant and author Jim Cobb, and NE MacDougald, who started his career in Vietnam with the 519th Military Intelligence Bn (MACV), and today is an author and consultant.

The video series will debut both on DVD and HD streaming video in December with three titles from the series. Then additional titles will be released each month from January through April of 2015. More info on the survival series can be found on the Panteao website at:

Tim K website:

Panteao Productions – Critical Space Combative Pistol With Dave Spaulding

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

Columbia, SC, October 28, 2014 – Panteao Productions announces the release of the fourth instructional video from Dave Spaulding: Critical Space Combative Pistol.

Critical Space Combative Pistol teaches you the drills and techniques you need to be better prepared for carrying a firearm for self-defense. Dave Spaulding is a professional firearms instructor with 36 years of experience in Law Enforcement and Federal Security including patrol, crime scene investigations, court security, violent and property crime investigations, undercover/surveillance operations, SWAT, training and dignitary protection. In this video, Dave reviews essential combative pistolcraft skills, skills standards, proper combat draw, point shooting versus sighted fire, one hand shooting, one hand manipulation drills, up close movement, shoot to ground drill, unconventional shooting positions, seated shooting, contact shooting, and more.

Critical Space Combative Pistol will be available streaming to Panteao subscribers on November 10th and on DVD the following week.

Dave Spaulding - Panteao Productions

Panteao Productions – New Combat Optics Video With Freddie Blish

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

Columbia, SC, October 24, 2014 – Panteao Productions announces the release of the first instructional video from Freddie Blish: Intro to Combat Optics.

Many people like to run non-magnified dot optics on their carbines. There is also the trend to run them on pistols. Yet a good percentage of folks don’t know the difference between the different brands of dot optics on the market or how to best utilize the optics within their given applications. With Intro to Combat Optics, Freddie Blish covers all there is to know and then some.

Freddie is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Marine Corps, where he served 24 years. After his retirement from the Marine Corps, he served as the Director of Military Business Development for Aimpoint, Inc, where he developed an intensive training program on their use by the US Army Regional Training Center firearms instructors, US Army Mountain Warfare School, USAF Para-Rescue, and I Marine Expeditionary Force Advisory Training Teams.

In this video, Freddie reviews optics from Aimpoint, EOTech, Trijicon, Vortex, and JP Enterprises. He reviews durability, reliability, trouble shooting, optic mounts, the downed optic drill, the occluded optic drill, mechanical offset, parallax and asymmetric position, reticle tracking, optics for handguns and shotguns, and zeroing at 100, 200, and 300 meters. If you run a dot optic on your carbine/pistol or are considering it, this video is for you.

Intro to Combat Optics is available streaming from the Panteao website and will be available on DVD.

Freddie Blish

Video Page on Panteao website:

New Survival Video Series From Panteao – Make Ready To Survive

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014

I am super stoked about this new series of videos. They have lined up some serious talent and each title will give you a variety of expert points of view on the subject at hand.

Survival Series Full Page Ad

Columbia, SC, October 22, 2014 – Panteao Productions is proud to announce the upcoming launch of the Make Ready to Survive instructional video series. This line of instructional videos is a departure for Panteao from the firearms training videos the company is known for producing.

“This was a pretty large undertaking for us. In order to get the shots we needed, our crew filmed on location in the everglades of FL, the back country of Ohio, the mountains of Colorado, and eastern Texas. Five instructors were selected to teach the series based on their background and life experiences. Each brought something different to the table and combined makes for one heck of a learning experience,” said John Tormey, Director of the Make Ready to Survive Series.

Fernando Coelho, president of Panteao Productions, added, “We received a tremendous amount of support from manufacturers and suppliers when we told them about the survival series. It was with their help that we were able to make this series possible. We originally thought we would have content for three videos. When we were finished filming we ended up with thirteen different titles in the series.”

Instead of reality show entertainment like the current television shows on prepping and doomsday survival, the Make Ready to Survive videos are a true tutorial to help you and your family. Whether you live in the heart of the city, on the outskirts in a quiet neighborhood, or out on a farm, the Make Ready to Survive videos show you techniques that are critical for survival, review gear and supplies to have on hand, and all aspects of proper planning. Most importantly, the videos will bring you piece of mind.

The instructors in the series include former US Army Delta Operator Paul Howe, Dave Canterbury from the Pathfinder Self Reliance School, US Army Special Forces Green Beret Kyle Harth, disaster preparedness consultant and author Jim Cobb, and NE MacDougald, who started his career in Vietnam with the 519th Military Intelligence Bn (MACV), and today is an author and consultant.

The video series will debut both on DVD and HD streaming video in December with three titles from the series. Then additional titles will be released each month from January through April of 2015. More info on the survival series can be found on the Panteao website at:

New Instructor At Panteao Productions

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

Columbia, SC, July 21, 2014 – Panteao introduces the latest instructor in the Panteao lineup, Freddie Blish from Patriot Products AZ.

Freddie Blish is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Marine Corps, where he served 24 years. He has served multiple combat tours and deployed globally in operational, instructional and advisory capacities. His tours include Iraq, Africa, Korea, Thailand, and Latin America. After his retirement from the Marine Corps, he served as the Director of Military Business Development for Aimpoint, Inc, where he developed an intensive training program on their use by the US Army Regional Training Center firearms instructors, US Army Mountain Warfare School, USAF Para-Rescue, and I Marine Expeditionary Force Advisory Training Teams. He has also worked for LaRue Tactical, and as a private contractor handling high-risk clients domestically and overseas.

Freddie is an Adjunct Instructor at Gunsite Academy, Inc. He has been providing high quality instruction to Military, Law Enforcement and the Private sector for over to twenty years. He has also been a technical advisor pertaining to military optics for several television shows and movies.

Freddie continues to work in the firearms industry as the General Manager for The ROBAR Companies, Inc. He is also the owner and CEO of Patriot Products AZ, LLC, the manufacturer of the Combat Optic Tool and the Combat Optic Tool – Optimized.

Panteao just completed the first title with Freddie on combat optics and it’s now in post-production.


Link to instructor page:

Panteao Productions – New Video With Nikki Turpeaux

Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Columbia, SC, July 15, 2014 – Panteao introduces the third video title with Nikki Turpeaux: Survivor’s Mindset for Ladies.

Going to the range and learning how to accurately fire a pistol or revolver is only the first step in learning concealed carry. In Survivor’s Mindset for Ladies, Nikki Turpeaux walks you through other important considerations like situational awareness, maintaining an aware lifestyle, online hazards, kids and field trips, camps and school safety, survivor’s mindset and more. Nikki Turpeaux is the Owner/CEO of Archangel Tactical, LLC and Founder of the Get A GRIP™ Ladies Personal Defense & Firearms Training Program. Her training curriculum serves women, men, youth and families in the disciplines of defensive pistol, shotgun, carbine, OC, edged/improvised weapons and unarmed defense training. This is a straight forward lesson from Nikki to you that will get you thinking and help you be better prepared moving forward.

The DVD is available for pre-order. Panteao Subscribers can watch the video online now.

Nikki Turpeaux

Link to video: