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Posts Tagged ‘PECOC’

PECOC Update

Monday, November 17th, 2008

The British military continues development of its Personal Equipment and Common Operational Clothing (PECOC) program to serve as a bridge between Soldier 95 kit and the planned Future Integrated Soldier Technology (FIST). Press reporting continues and in addition to the previous piece on the BBC, on 3 November 2008, The Times published an article on PECOC.

Personal Equipment and Common Operational Clothing

In the photo you can see an example of the new Hybrid Cam Day Sack.

Examples of trials clothing that have been seen feature Napoleon pockets to maintain a low profile under armor, stand up collars and full bicep pockets with velcro. The Smock is expected to under go some changes from the current SF smock and a second insulated, waterproof jacket is planned. Interestingly, every time the UK issues a new Smock it is based on the current issue SF Smock, which naturally changes as well. Additionally, it looks as though Britain will adopt the MOLLE standard for attachment systems as they move closer and closer to purchasing new equipment.

Finally, amid concerns of third party kit of dubious quality, there are indications that the UK military may follow a plan similar to the “Certified Team Soldier Gear” initiative proposed by the US Army’s PEO-Soldier for distinctive markings or tags on issue equipment. This will be to educate Soldiers and leaders on whether equipment has been vetted for issue by MOD.

Photo from UK MOD via The Times.

PECOC in the British Press

Saturday, September 20th, 2008


We have previously discussed the British Army’s new PECOC program here and here. Finally, the BBC has shown an interview showcasing the recent evolution of the British Soldier. Although the BBC interviewer never comes out and calls it PECOC, take a keen look at the three Tommies being interviewed. Not only will you see a slightly modified DPM, but a new armor vest, helmet, and eye protection. The hybrid camo we talked about in previous articles can be seen in the pic below. Please note that the pattern will be confined to armor and belt kit as the UK uses different uniform fabrics for temperate and desert environments. Following this reasoning, if you are going to use different fabrics, why not use different patterns. You can also see the Crye-style Combat Shirt in the PECOC camo. The MoD has determined that this will be the colorway for the new camo pattern but that they may come up with an entirely new pattern.



Watch the BBC Video Here.

Read the Daily Mail article here.

The British Army Defence News article is here.

Photo from Daily Mail.