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Posts Tagged ‘Pol-Tec’

Enforce Tac – Spuhr G3 Stock Now Available 

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

The R410 G3 Stock from Spuhr is now available. They were developed for the Swedish Army to give a higher check weld when using optics and will be used to configure designated marksman rifles. There are four different cheek pieces available to adjust comb. Additionally, thanks to six positions means length of pull is now adjustable from 12.5 cm to 15.75 cm. Finally, it can be also used on the MP-5 and G-33.

Spuhr products are available in Germany through Pol-Tec.

See S&S Precision with Pol-Tec at Enforce Tac / IWA

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017


Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

If you’re in Germany, we’d like to let you know that Pol-Tec is the distributor for many brands including:

-Smith Optics
-S&S Precision
-Eagle Industries
-Action Target
-Recon Robotics

You can find products from these vendors as well as others in their new Webshop at