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Posts Tagged ‘Shield Arms’

Shield Arms Folding Lower Receiver

Monday, October 29th, 2018

Introducing the world’s first folding AR-15 lower receiver – no adapter required.

Bigfork, MT, October 29, 2018 – Shield Arms

The Shield Arms Folding Lower Receiver (FLR) is a patent-pending billet lower receiver with a folding stock mechanism machined and built directly into the receiver, allowing the stock or pistol brace to fold without the need of an aftermarket folding stock adapter. No installation. No tools. Just open the box, fold, and go.

The Shield Arms FLR is precision-machined from 7075 billet aluminum and is designed and manufactured in the U.S. The FLR ships as a stripped lower receiver with included buffer. The folding stock mechanism is preinstalled and accepts any standard aftermarket buffer tube. To complete the lower receiver, simply use a standard lower parts kit, and customize the Shield Arms FLR to your preference.

Additionally, the Shield Arms FLR uses a standard bolt carrier group and does not modify the carrier in any way, nor does it require any additional parts to function properly. As an added advantage, due to the folding mechanism being machined directly into the receiver, the overall length of the lower receiver is increased by only 5/8”, less than half the length of some popular aftermarket adapters.

The Shield Arms Folding Lower Receiver will be available for order soon in 9mm with an MSRP of $399.99. Additionally, Shield Arms will be licensing the FLR to other manufacturers – interested parties should contact licensing@shieldarms.com.

Shield Arms SA-9

The Shield Arms SA-9 is a complete AR-15 style 9mm weapon system built on the FLR. The select fire version of the SA-9 was recently selected by the US Army to participate in the Sub Compact Weapon Prototype Opportunity.

The pistol version of the SA-9 equipped with an SB Tactical SBA3 pistol brace will be available for order soon with an expected MSRP of $1,499.99.

To stay up to date with everything Shield Arms and for more information about upcoming products and news, like them on Facebook here and follow them on Instagram here. Interested dealers can email dealers@shieldarms.com to get signed up.

US Army Selects 6 Companies For Sub Compact Weapon Prototype Opportunity

Monday, September 17th, 2018

Late last week, the Army notified six companies that they were selected to participate in the Sub Compact Weapon Prototype Opportunity.

Those companies are:
Angstadt Arms
Global Ordnance, LLC
Shield Arms
Trident Rifles, LLC

It is important to note that the companies have been notified they were selected and it is still up to them to accept the Army’s offer to participate. So far, we don’t have verification that all of the contractual agreements have been executed.

The Weapons
Interestingly, Trident Rifles will also offer a weapon from Swiss manufacturer Brugger & Thomet along with B&T USA.


We fully expect the B&T offerings to be APC9 models (SD and K) and the SIG weapon to be an MPX derivative.


Two of the companies build AR-style 9mm Sub Guns; Angstadt manufactures the UDP-9, and Shield Arms makes the SA9K.

Angstadt UDP-9

Global Ordnance is the unknown, but word is that they may have an MP-5 variant.

The Requirement
While the requirement for a Sub Compact Weapon has been in the books for years, it finally got off to a somewhat rocky start earlier this year. Initially, the Army offered limited contracts to multiple companies (here and here) for evaluation samples. Then, the Army rescinded the offers and issued a Prototype Opportunity Notice.

According to the requirement, the Sub Compact Weapon is a highly concealable 9mm system capable of engaging threat personnel with a high volume of lethal force while accurately firing at close range with minimal collateral damage.

If you’re curious what the weapon will be used for, it’s because United States military operations take place worldwide and in all types of terrains as well as under every environmental condition. The Secretary of the Army and/or the Chief of Staff approves senior commanders and key personnel as High Risk Personnel (HRP). HRPs are authorized a Personal Security Detail (PSD), which are assigned to guard against outlined threats. To address this operational need, PSD military personnel require weapons with greater lethality than pistols that are more concealable than rifles.

The PON calls for delivery of 15 weapons within 30 days, with the purchase of 350 weapons at a time (if a solution is selected) up to 1,000 total weapons. Beyond the delivery of the initial prototypes there is no hard schedule.