TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Soldier of Fortune’

The Internet Claims Another Victim – ‘Soldier of Fortune’ Magazine To Cease Hard Copy Publication, Go Digital Only

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

According to the Wall Street Journal, Soldier of Fortune magazine is ceasing publication of the hard copy edition and going digital-only beginning with the April 2016 issue which should hit newsstands soon.  Publisher Robert K Brown, LTC (USAR, Ret) is 83 now and putting together a monthly magazine is no joke.  While I don’t blame him, it’s sad to see it go.  I’m hoping they’ll improve their online presence.  I’d like to keep up but their site needs some work.


Quite frankly, I am bummed. I grew up with Soldier of Fortune; literally. Although I didn’t read the magazine from the very first issue, I started reading it in 1978, after it had been around for a few years.  I still read printed magazines, including SOF.  Perhaps I feel like I’m being forced to consider my own mortality.  When you’ve seen something since you were a kid, it’s kind of a shocker to see it go.  SOF has had its ups and downs over the years but it was a magazine written by some guys who had been-there-done-that and definitely influenced more than one generation over its 40 year run.  What are your memories?

In the future, Soldier of Fortune’s content will be found at www.sofmag.com.

BetaBrand DiscoLab

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

So I’m at the MCX perusing the magazines and the latest issue of “Soldier of Fortune” magazine has an interview with Brandon Webb so I pick it up. I get home and start flipping through and low and behold there is a full page ad for Betabrand featuring a guy wearing a hoodie made out of a disco ball kissing a disco ball. Seriously. This was one of the greatest “WTF?” moments of my life. I am still not sure what is going on.

I went to the website and found the “DiscoLab” section and this gem of a photo. I wonder how long it will be until we see these on our local range.