TYR Tactical

Posts Tagged ‘Triad Tactical’

FirstSpear Friday Focus – OEM Partner Series – Triad Tactical Inc.

Friday, January 8th, 2016


For this week’s Friday Focus, we’re continuing the OEM Partner Series by taking a look at Triad Tactical Inc. Triad Tactical Inc was started in 2002 by Steve Sheldon. “I was on a full-time SWAT team in the Kansas City area and was spending a fortune on gear. Starting Triad was a way to save myself some money on equipment, and I thought it might be possible to turn it into a “legitimate” business. After 20 years, I left the department during the summer of 2015 and now run Triad full time.”

Why did you choose American Made?

Failed zippers on imported products with a one year warranty sealed the deal for us to have products made in the USA. The products do cost more, but the materials and sewing is much better. Our company motto is “Buy Once, Cry Once.” This means spend a little more up front on quality products so they will be durable and high quality.

Why did Triad choose FirstSpear manufacturing?

I had worked with 4-5 smaller companies over the years and always had lead time and capacity issues with them. I had worked with several of the FS staff while they were at Eagle so when FirstSpear started it was an easy switch to them.

Take a look at three of the products that FirstSpear manufactures for Triad Tactical.

Triad Tapered Rear Bag



Triad Padded Rifle Sling



Triad Stock Pack



Triad Tactical Offering Deal on Eagle CIRAS

Sunday, July 10th, 2011

SSD readers should not need an introduction to Eagle’s CIRAS and Plate Carriers. The point is that Triad Tactical is holding a great sale on both.

Combat Integrated Releasable Armor System

Plate Carrier with Cummerbund