This is an announcement from Violent Little Machine Shop regarding the recent appointment of Evan Rommel as their Executive Operations Commander. The full release can be read below.
We’re proud to announce that Evan Rommel has been brought on-board as the new Operations Commander of Violent Little Machine Shop. Having spent the majority of his military career in Virginia Beach, Evan comes to the Violent Little Machine Shop in beautiful Ketchum, Idaho after retiring from 20 years of (mostly) proud Naval service, with his last eleven years served at Naval Special Warfare Development Group. Evan brings to the Violent Little arsenal an impressive military operational background, extensive product development skills, and exceptional, proven leadership. His new role at Violent Little will include overseeing our prestigious worldwide operations, product development, and all sorts of other “ill-shit.”
“Its a privilege to bring Evan on-board,” proclaimed Yanne Root, founder of Violent Little. “His impact has been immediate. There isn’t a person in this country right now that can even touch the amount of evil-genius-creativity that a guy like this brings to the table. I mean, have you seen this guy’s patches…they’re insane. He’s a real “A” player!”
Rommel excitedly spoke of his new duties at the company: “Violent Little is a force of nature; they’re a phenomenon. And I don’t mean that in a good way. My first order of business will be to shake up the management… figure out who goes and who stays. I’m really looking forward to making the rounds and getting everybody on-board with MY vision and direction that I’m going to take this company. I couldn’t be any happier to join the team!”
“Wait… what?” replied Root.
Join us in welcoming Evan to the Violent Little Crew! Notes of congratulations can be sent to